导读 您好,今天欣欣来为大家解答以上的问题。暮光之城主题曲相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、


1、1、flightless birdFlightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine折翼的鸟,在美国的河口I was a quick wet boy我曾是个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins为钱而陷入太深All of your street light eyes双眼盲目的看着前方Wide on my plastic toys视线落在我的塑料玩具上And when the cops closed the fair当警察把集市关起时I cut my long baby hair我剪掉了我婴儿般的长发Stole me a dog-eared map你偷走了我的地图And called for you everywhere而我到处在找你Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, jealous, weeping折翼的鸟?羡慕,哭泣Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill looming大海报隐约出现Now I’m a fat house cat现在我是一只肥胖的家猫Nursing my sore blunt tongue咒骂着我那因发炎而没有知觉的舌头Watching the warm poison rats看着刚被毒死的老鼠Curl through the wide fence cracks卷曲的毛穿过白色围篱的大裂缝Pissing on magazine photos亲着杂志上的照片Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的河Blood of Christ mountain stream鲜血流到河里Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, grounded bleeding折翼的鸟?棕色的毛发在淌血Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill, stuck going down贴着的大海报正在落下2、full mooni am going out to see what i can sowwhen the thorn bush turns white that's when i'll come homeand i don't know where i'll goand i don't know what i'll seebut i'll try not to bring it back home with melike the morning sun your eyes will follow meas you watch me wander, curse the powers that beand if i come home how will i ever leavecause all i want is here and now but its already been and goneno time confounds me and you're still therein the full moons light i listen to the streamour intentions always last that bit too longand in between the silence hear you calling mefar far away, no voices sounding,no one around me and you're still therebut i don't know where i am and i don't trust who i've beenfar far away, no choices passing,当荆棘转白时 就是我归来之刻现在我要离开 看看我能做什麼我不知道将往何方 也不知道将闻何事但是我会尽量 别让它跟我回来宛如晨曦的太阳 你的目光将跟随著我看著我游荡 诅咒我的力量因为我所求的仅有此地与此刻 但现在它已然不再而我们的意图却总持续得太久 啊~ 啊~ 啊在那远方 没有声响 无人相伴 而你仍为我守候在那远方 无从选择 时光滞留 而你仍为我守候满月光芒之下 我听著溪水流过一片寂静之中 我听见你的呼唤但我不知道身处何方 也不相信身为何人若我已经归来 又怎会离开家乡?3.eye on fireEyes On Fire焰中之眸I'll seek you out, Flay you alive我寻觅着你,活着剥开你的皮裳One more word and you won't survive只一瞬间,你便会永诀而亡And I'm not scared of your stolen power我并不忌惮你非常的力量I see right through you any hour早已经看穿你的布防I won't soothe your pain我不能舒缓你的痛伤I won't ease your strain亦不会释然你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain你将静候地无望I got nothing for you to gain从我这里得不到任何希望I'm taking it slow让我慢慢Feeding my flame慢慢地把这焰火培旺Shuffling the cards of your game将你的人生洗牌And just in time彼时In the right place彼地Suddenly I will play my ace再突然打出最后的王I won't soothe your pain我不能舒缓你的痛伤I won't ease your strain亦不会释然你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain你将静候地无望I got nothing for you to gain从我这里得不到任何希望Eyes on fire焰中之眸Your spine is ablaze你是如此闪亮Felling any foe with my gaze带来无尽危险的我的凝望And just in time彼时In the right place彼地Steadily emerging with grace再优雅地步步展开真相Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine折翼的鸟,在美国的河口I was a quick wet boy我曾是个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins为钱而陷入太深All of your street light eyes双眼盲目的看着前方Wide on my plastic toys视线落在我的塑料玩具上And when the cops closed the fair当警察把集市关起时I cut my long baby hair我剪掉了我婴儿般的长发Stole me a dog-eared map你偷走了我的地图And called for you everywhere而我到处在找你Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, jealous, weeping折翼的鸟?羡慕,哭泣Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill looming大海报隐约出现Now I’m a fat house cat现在我是一只肥胖的家猫Nursing my sore blunt tongue咒骂着我那因发炎而没有知觉的舌头Watching the warm poison rats看着刚被毒死的老鼠Curl through the wide fence cracks卷曲的毛穿过白色围篱的大裂缝Pissing on magazine photos亲着杂志上的照片Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的河Blood of Christ mountain stream鲜血流到河里Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, grounded bleeding折翼的鸟?棕色的毛发在淌血Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill, stuck going down贴着的大海报正在落下full moon电影《暮光之城》主题曲词曲歌:The Black Ghosts当荆棘丛褪色之时便是我归乡之日我走出家门试着寻找自己却不知该去往什么地方也不知道会有怎样的经历但我不会把它们带回家乡的土地如同朝阳东升 你的视线相随注视迷惘的我 变为诅咒之力因为我所渴望的此时此地已经成为过去我们的目标总是太远太远天涯海角 无声无息我身边空无一人除了你天涯海角 无所适从无所选择时身边只有你满月当空倾听流水生生不息寂静之中你将我轻轻唤起我却不知身在何处 不愿相信曾经的自己若是回到家乡又怎舍得离去Eyes on fire – Blue Foundation (双眼燃着 – 蓝色基地 )I'll seek you out, flay you alive 我要找到你 活剥你One more word and you won't survive 总的来说 你不会生还And I'm not scared of your stolen power 我不害怕你偷去的力量I see right through you any hour 我随时看透你I won't soothe your pain 我不会安抚你的疼痛I won't ease your strain 我不会减轻你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain 你会徒然地等待着I got nothing for you to gain 我什么都没为你带来I'm taking it slow 我让它变慢Feeding my flame 喂养我的火焰Shuffling the cards of your game 为你的游戏洗牌And just in time 就及时吧In the right place 在正确的地方Suddenly I will play my ace 突然我想玩幺点I won't soothe your pain 我不会安抚你的疼痛I won't ease your strain 我不会减轻你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain 你会徒然地等待着I got nothing for you to gain 我什么都没为你带来Eyes on fire 双眼燃着Your spine is ablaze 你的脊骨燃着Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人And just in time 就及时吧In the right place 在正确的地方Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine折翼的鸟,在美国的河口I was a quick wet boy我曾是个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins为钱而陷入太深All of your street light eyes双眼盲目的看着前方Wide on my plastic toys视线落在我的塑料玩具上And when the cops closed the fair当警察把集市关起时I cut my long baby hair我剪掉了我婴儿般的长发Stole me a dog-eared map你偷走了我的地图And called for you everywhere而我到处在找你Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, jealous, weeping折翼的鸟?羡慕,哭泣Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill looming大海报隐约出现Now I’m a fat house cat现在我是一只肥胖的家猫Nursing my sore blunt tongue咒骂着我那因发炎而没有知觉的舌头Watching the warm poison rats看着刚被毒死的老鼠Curl through the wide fence cracks卷曲的毛穿过白色围篱的大裂缝Pissing on magazine photos亲着杂志上的照片Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的河Blood of Christ mountain stream鲜血流到河里Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, grounded bleeding折翼的鸟?棕色的毛发在淌血Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill, stuck going down贴着的大海报正在落下full moon当荆棘丛变白 那就是我回家的时候我要出去看看 看我能播种什么我不知道何去何从我也不知道我会看见什么然而我会尽量不让这些跟着我回家如同早晨的太阳 你的目光会跟随着我你看着我徘徊,诅咒自己的能量因为所有我要的此刻都在这里然而这些来过之后 而今已消散离去我们的注意力总是让一切就这么久一些非常非常的遥远,没有任何的声音,我身边无一人,你仍然在这里非常非常的遥远,没有任何的选择,没有时间让我迷惑,你仍然在这里在满月的月光下 我倾听着溪流一片静寂之间 我听见你在呼喊我然而我不知道我在哪里 也不相信和我在一起的人如果我回家的话 我又如何离开Eyes on fire – Blue Foundation (双眼燃着 – 蓝色基地 )I'll seek you out, flay you alive 我要找到你 活剥你One more word and you won't survive 总的来说 你不会生还And I'm not scared of your stolen power 我不害怕你偷去的力量I see right through you any hour 我随时看透你I won't soothe your pain 我不会安抚你的疼痛I won't ease your strain 我不会减轻你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain 你会徒然地等待着I got nothing for you to gain 我什么都没为你带来I'm taking it slow 我让它变慢Feeding my flame 喂养我的火焰Shuffling the cards of your game 为你的游戏洗牌And just in time 就及时吧In the right place 在正确的地方Suddenly I will play my ace 突然我想玩幺点I won't soothe your pain 我不会安抚你的疼痛I won't ease your strain 我不会减轻你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain 你会徒然地等待着I got nothing for you to gain 我什么都没为你带来Eyes on fire 双眼燃着Your spine is ablaze 你的脊骨燃着Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人And just in time 就及时吧In the right place 在正确的地方Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Flightless Bird, American Mouth折 翼 之 鸟, 在 美 国 河 口Iron & Wine铁与酒 乐队(标签:民谣)I was a quick wet boy我曾是一个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins为钱币而陷入太深All of your straight blind eyes而你那直视前方的盲目双眼Wide on my plastic toys视线都落在我的塑料玩具上And when the cops closed the fair当警察关闭了集市I cut my long baby hair我剪掉了婴儿般的长发Stole me a dog-eared map你为我偷来一张卷角的旧地图And called for you everywhere而我却无处不在的寻找你Have I found you ?可我找到你了吗?Flightless bird, jealous, weeping折翼之鸟,羡慕,哭泣Or lost you?抑或已失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big bill looming有巨大海岬的蜃景Now I’m a fat house cat如今我成为一只变胖了的家猫Cursing my sore blunt tongue咒骂着我那一碰就痛而味觉迟钝的舌头Watching the warm poison rats curl through the white fence cracks眼看着快被毒死的老鼠卷缩着穿过白色栅栏的缝隙Kissing on magazine photos亲吻着杂志上的照片Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean任由那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的Blood of Christ mountain stream基督山涧的血液里。

2、Have I found you?寻你千百度,可有果?Flightless bird, brown hair bleeding那些折翼的鸟儿,棕褐羽翼滴落血色Or lost you?或已永失吾爱?American mouth在那美利坚之河口Big bill, stuck going down巨大海岬已开始沉落...full moonwhen the thorn bush turns white that's when i'll come homei am going out to see what i can sowand i don't know where i'll goand i don't know what i'll seebut i'll try not to bring it back home with melike the morning sun your eyes will follow meas you watch me wander, curse the powers that beand if i come home how will i ever leavecause all i want is here and now but its already been and goneno time confounds me and you're still therein the full moons light i listen to the streamour intentions always last that bit too longand in between the silence hear you calling mefar far away, no voices sounding,no one around me and you're still therebut i don't know where i am and i don't trust who i've beenfar far away, no choices passing,当荆棘转白的时候,我就会回来吗我要出去一下,看看有什么可以播种我不知道我的最终去向是哪里我不知道我会看到但是我会尽量不要把它带回家和我在一起如早晨的太阳你眼必跟从我当你看我的力量,诅咒游走如果我回家的时候,我将如何离开我想要的是在这里,现在,但它已经而消失我没有时间和你仍然混淆在满月的光线,我倾听小溪我们的意图总是最后那个太长了在沉默之间听到你叫我遥远,没有声音,没有人在我身边,你还在那儿但我不知道我在想什么,我不相信我离得远远的,没有选择的走开Eyes on fire – Blue Foundation (双眼燃着 – 蓝色基地 )I'll seek you out, flay you alive 我要找到你 活剥你One more word and you won't survive 总的来说 你不会生还And I'm not scared of your stolen power 我不害怕你偷去的力量I see right through you any hour 我随时看透你I won't soothe your pain 我不会安抚你的疼痛I won't ease your strain 我不会减轻你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain 你会徒然地等待着I got nothing for you to gain 我什么都没为你带来I'm taking it slow 我让它变慢Feeding my flame 喂养我的火焰Shuffling the cards of your game 为你的游戏洗牌And just in time 就及时吧In the right place 在正确的地方Suddenly I will play my ace 突然我想玩幺点I won't soothe your pain 我不会安抚你的疼痛I won't ease your strain 我不会减轻你的紧张You'll be waiting in vain 你会徒然地等待着I got nothing for you to gain 我什么都没为你带来Eyes on fire 双眼燃着Your spine is ablaze 你的脊骨燃着Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人And just in time 就及时吧In the right place 在正确的地方Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现Felling any foe with my gaze 凝视任何敌人Steadily emerging with grace 优雅镇定地出现i was a quick wet boy我曾是戏水的男孩diving too deep for coins潜入深处寻找硬币all of your street light eyes你直视的浅色眼睛wide on my plastic toys紧盯着我的塑料玩具and when the cops closed the fair当警察关闭了集市i cut my long baby hair我剪掉自己长长的胎发stole me a dog-eared map你投给我一张狗耳式地图and called for you everywhere我到处呼唤你have i found you?会找到你吗flightless bird, jealous, weeping无力飞行的鸟儿,嫉妒,流泪or lost you?还是失去你?american mouth美国河口big pill looming痛苦隐现now i'm a fat house cat现在我是一只大家猫nursing my sore blunt tongue自己安抚着直言 痛苦的舌watching the warm poison rats看着温暖 有毒的老鼠curl through the wide fence cracks绕过大开的篱笆空隙pissing on magazine photos在杂志照片上撒尿those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean鱼诱饵被清理干净blood of christ mountain stream基督山之血蜿蜒流淌have i found you?如果找到了你flightless bird, grounded bleedingor lost you?无力飞行的鸟儿,伤害,还是失去你?american mouth美国河口big pill, stuck going down痛苦不会平复。
