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║ 耀光祭司 ║ 耀光之盾 ║

◆ 雇佣两个英雄

生命+1200 生命+1.00%

◆ 雇佣两个英雄(精英+)

防御+50 防御+5.00%

◆ 雇佣两个英雄(史诗+)

生命+2000 攻击+250 生命+10.00% 攻击+10.00%











“他已经无药可救了,恶魔已经完全占据了他的心智。” 贝琳达叹息一声,她将权杖立于身前,“我们必须在他做出更疯狂的举动之前,将他消灭。” 接着她闭上双眼,念出一段庄严的祷文,她的权杖上绽放出一团圣光,当柔和的圣光照射在瓦耶伯爵身上时,忽然变得异常炽热。伯爵发出了绝不属于人类的哀嚎声,接着,他的身体发生了诡异的变化,就如他的影子一样,一对犄角与双翼在他身体上逐渐显现,他的皮肤也逐渐变成了深红色,寄宿在他灵魂中的恶魔正在现出它原本的形态。


























贝雷帽( beret ),起源于15世纪法国西南部比利牛斯山脉( Pirineos )脚下贝阿恩( Béarn )的牧羊人。除了帽子本身「遮风挡雨」的功能外,还可作「擦汗」、「坐垫」之用,非常适合牧羊人的劳作生活。

小红帽后现代版 英文简介

The story begins in medias res, with Red, the Wolf, Granny, and the Woodsman, in their confrontation at Granny's house. Mid-scene, the story jumps ahead to the police cordoning off Granny’s house following the opening events. The lead investigator, frog-form Nicky Flippers, interrogates each of the four participants, with each character giving their own version of how and why they arrived at the house. Because the film uses a police interrogation as a framing sequence, it is evocative of the 1995 crime thriller The Usual Suspects, and because the four participants’ stories converge at points prior to the meeting at Granny’s, and are at times self-serving, the format is evocative of Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 film Rashomon.

Red, the first interview subject, tells Flippers that she is merely a delivery person for her Granny’s "goodies", and that when she came across the ransacked home of another goody-maker, the latest in a recent string of such attacks by a thief known only as the Goody Bandit, whose crimes have resulted in the closure of many goody makers in the forest, Red decided to take the hidden recipe book in the house for safekeeping. This admission appears self-ruinous, as it casts Red in a suspicious light, but Red asserts her innocence, adding that on her way to Granny’s house, she fell from an air trolley she was riding with the rabbit Boingo, and when she landed in the forest, she ran into the Wolf, who, after questioning her, appeared to become hostile. After using a “Wolf Away” spray to repel the lupine attacker, Red fled, using a mountain railway system manned by Japeth, a singing goat with detachable horns with different uses. The two soon find themselves in the middle of an anvalanche which they barely escaped using the tunnel, but as the railway cart they were riding emerged from the mountain, Red saw that the tracks far ahead of them were apparently destroyed, and an image of her Granny appeared in the sky above her instructing her to use her hood as a parachute, which Red successfully did (the goat used a pair of helicopter-horns to land safely also). When she gets to Granny’s she sees through the Wolf’s transparently obvious Granny disguise, and just as he reveals himself and the two confront one another again, a bound and gagged Granny jumps out of her closet, followed by a crazed-looking axe-wielding Woodsman, who bursts into the living room through the window, screaming, to the horror of the other three.

Flippers then interrogates the Wolf, who it appears certain is the culprit. But the Wolf reveals that he is an investigative reporter whose prior stories Flippers is familiar with, and tells him that he and his hyperactive photographer, a squirrel named Twitchy, were investigating the recent thefts of various recipes by the Goody Bandit, and became suspicious of Red when he saw her traipsing through the forest with goodies in a basket. He explains that he was merely questioning Red because it was his job, and that when his tail got caught in the film chamber of Twitchy’s camera, he roared in pain, which Red took as an attack. After using a shortcut provided by Boingo the rabbit, the Wolf and Twitchy used the mountain railway system, which was destroyed when Twitchy lit a candle in the cart that turned out to be a stick of dynamite. The duo arrive at Granny’s house, and the Wolf throws Twitchy in the closet to hide, but Granny is already there, and already tied up, which complicates the authorities’ view of the Wolf as the culprit. The Wolf puts on a Granny disguise, and the confrontation is again seen.

The Woodsman is then interrogated. He reveals that he is an aspiring actor, and that for money, he drives a goody truck, selling schnitzel on a stick to children. He tells Flippers that after a disastrous audition for a bunion cream commercial, where his thick Bavarian accent hurt his chances, he then discovers that his goody truck has been robbed, apparently in another attack by the Goody Bandit, as Boingo pops in on the scene. The Woodsman is distraught, but receives a callback for the commercial, and decides to prepare for the role of a woodsman by chopping down trees. After chopping away most of a giant tree, he finds himself atop it as it rolls down the hill towards Granny’s house, and he is thrown through the living room window, hollering the entire way. This makes him the only person there completely by accident.

Granny is the last to be interviewed. She reveals that she is an extreme athlete known as Triple G (a homage to the Vin Diesel character Triple X in xXx) who prefers activities like snowboarding to being the stereotypical goody-making grandmother. She explains that she enjoys such activities, and that at the Extreme Dream Snow Sports competition between her teammates and an imposing European ski-team, Boingo the rabbit even asked for her autograph. She tells Flippers that during the race down the mountain, the opposing team physically attacked her and her team, and she narrowly escaped a mountain avalanche via a parachute (winning the race in the process). As she approached her home, she saw Red below her in the railway cart, and advised her to use her hood as her own parachute. Shortly after, Granny arrived in her bedroom. Her parachute became caught in the ceiling fan, and she ended up wrapped up in it and thrown into her own closet. The familiar confrontation with Red, the Wolf and the Woodsman then ensued. The revelation of Granny’s other life is a shock to Red, who is hurt that Granny kept her other life a secret from her.

The police are back to square one, as none of the four appears to be culprits, but then the basket of Granny’s goodies and the recipe book is found to be missing, as is Red. But we then see Red following the real thief, the one who was present during all four accounts: Boingo. Red follows him on the air tram up to the mountain, where he and his henchmen, the aforementioned opposing snowboarding team, plan to corner the market on goodies, and make them highly addictive to kids. Red is discovered, and placed in the air tram filled with dynamite. The Wolf, Granny and the Woodsman follow, and foil Boingo’s evil plans. Red is freed from the air tram before it explodes, and Boingo and his henchmen are captured by the police. The next day, Flippers tells Red, Granny, the Wolf, and Twitchy (the Woodsman became a world-famous yodeler) that he is a member of the "Happily Ever After Agency", and offers to enlist the four to work for him.

