导读 今天小爱来给大家分享一些关于lol莫甘娜的台词方面的知识吧,希望大家会喜欢哦 莫甘娜被禁台词 lol莫甘娜的台词


莫甘娜被禁台词 lol莫甘娜的台词莫甘娜被禁台词 lol莫甘娜的台词

1、殇之木乃伊 - 阿木木I thought you'd never pick me我还以为你从来都不会选我呢……Okey...好吧……Aaaargh啊!(愤怒地)Where are we going?我们这是要去哪?Hey! Come back!嘿!快回来!Let's find some friends!我们去找点儿朋友吧!Mummy? Daddy?妈妈?爸爸?Daddy? Mummy?爸爸?妈妈?Where are we going?我们这是要去哪?Let's be friends forever!让我们做好朋友吧Come play with me来和我玩吧Let me give you a hug真可怜,让我抱抱你…风暴女神 - 迦娜Yes, it's true. For only 2.95 a minute, I'll leave you breathless"是的,只要998,就能让你爽到不能呼吸哟。

2、"The power of the wind is at your command风之化身听候您的差遣。

3、The wrath of the sky is upon you天空的愤怒将你笼罩!The storm approaches风暴就要来临了!Their winds unleashed它们的风儿已经发动了!Say hello to the winds of change向变革之风问声好吧!I can smell your demise我可以闻到你身上的死亡气息。

4、Your forecast is not good你的预测并不怎么准嘛!Stop staring at me like that别用那种眼光盯着我看! 【不看我花998干嘛。

5、】The power of the wind is at your command风之化身听候您的差遣。

6、Scatter my ashes in the wind让我的骨灰随风飘荡……My time has come大限……已至……As you wish如你所愿。

7、Let the winds take me风呀,带我一程吧!I float on wings of truth真理之翼与我同在。

8、Breathlessly屏住呼吸!The forecast is clear预测的结果非常清楚。

9、Upon the winds I go我将随风而行。

10、Yes, I know I take your breath away没错,我知道我让你无法呼吸。

11、And you thought it was just a harmless breeze!你还以为它只是一阵无害的微风么酒桶 - 古拉加斯If you're buyin', I'm in.你埋单,我就来!Last call!打烊前的最后一杯!Have a drink!来一杯吧!YARRRRR!呀啊啊啊!Dodge THIS!尝尝这个!Happy Hour - incoming!欢乐时光 - 就要开始了!Fight time!斗殴时间到了!Time to roll out the barrel!是时候碾平酒桶了!The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it. HAR HAR!"我喝酒时唯一遇到过的问题,就是不小心把酒给弄洒了。

12、哈哈!"I'll drink you under the table, scrub.我会让你喝翻到桌子底下去,烂堕落天使 - 莫甘娜We'll bring them pain我们会叫他们好受的!I'll have my revenge我要报仇!They will suffer他们将会痛苦不堪!Without mercy绝不手软!Share my torment享用我的折磨吧!Do not dally请不要闲逛!Feel my pain感受我的痛苦吧!I must have my revenge!我必须去报仇了!Not all angels are good有人说他们上辈子都是折翼的天使……但我上辈子是什么呢?You too will be judged你们也会被审判的宝石骑士 - 塔里克Functional and stylish中看又中用I think I'll let you suffer for a while!我想我会让你难受一阵子的!You shall be crushed你将被碾碎!I will wheep for you我会悼念你的。

13、Magic has ruined this land魔法,已经毁了这块大陆。

14、Gems hold their edge宝石们显露着它们的锋芒。

15、You face unblemished power你所面对的,是纯净无暇的力量!From coals to diamonds璀璨钻石,始于煤炭!My resonance joins Runeterra这是……大地的回响……Gems.... Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous呼……这身璀璨的盔甲……有时连我自己的眼睛都会被它晃花!Emmerald for insight祖母绿象征着洞察。
