导读 虎胆龙威4(live free or die hard) 结局是? 老威杀到,干掉坏蛋程序员四眼和一个随从,和黑老大对峙时被文身壮男背后一

虎胆龙威4(live free or die hard) 结局是?


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live free 和 live freely的区别

live free 和 live freely 的意思是一样的,都是自由生活的意思,只是表达方式不一样

live free意思是自由生活,live freely意思是自由地生活


long live free


Shortly after armed rebels captured the state telecoms company during their entry into the capital, tripoli, on august 21st they sent a note to millions of mobile-phone users saying "long live free libya".


Live Free or Die Hard是什么意思

Live Free or Die Hard


Live Free Or Die Hard




The film's 1990 sequel, die hard 2: die harder, is also set on christmas.



《Get Out》歌词中英文对照: 我也算见惯世界我不蠢 I can be considered to have seen the world. I'm not stupid. 没外遇实在令人没法信 It's had to believe that you're not cheating. 我爱你却更爱鍚我青春 I love you, but I love my youth even more. 极硬净道别亦能忍痛 I can bear the pain of even the hardest of goodbyes. get out get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life you know i know Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock我等紧你 Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock I'm waiting for you 准备大家分飞 自己知机 Get ready, we'll all be going our separate ways 你个性博爱却也算卑鄙 Your promiscuous nature is also despicable 玩具玩谢後便来抛弃 Toys that you're done playing with are then tossed aside. get out get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life you know i know should I cry灾劫早该结束 should I cry, I should've ended this disaster long ago. should I cry敢讲我心不痛 should I cry, I dare say my heart won't break. should I cry解脱应该庆祝 should I cry, extricating myself is worth celebrating. I won't cry想跟你搞欢送 I won't cry, I want to throw you a going-away party. Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock我想跟你 Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock I'm waiting for you 剖白闹交都可 绝交都可 Let me make clear, arguing and severing ties are both possible. 你爱上过我也有过花火 You loved me once, and the passion was there, 但事後利用别人伤我 But afterwards you used another to hurt me. get out get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life you know i know should I cry分开堪称有福 should I cry, breaking up will definitely bring good fortune. should I cry只贪你的英俊 should I cry, all I coveted were your looks should I cry玩过应该满足I won't cry should I cry, I should be content with having played the game. I won't cry 喜欢你 那些好感 不可信 These good feelings from liking you can't be trusted. 为何你这样坏 Why are you this bad? 自问硬朗走得够快 I ask myself if I ran away from this quickly enough I won't cry, baby I won't cry cry, cry, I won't cry





