导读 怡怡给大家谈谈尤里的复仇吧,以及尤里的复仇原版应用的知识点,希望对你所遇到的问题有所帮助。 1、- Oh, hello


1、- Oh, hello sir 欧 您好 长官- Ready as ever 时刻准备就绪- Chrono miner reporting for duty 时空矿车报到 执行任务- 24/7移动:- Always on time 始终保持准时- Oh yes, I agree 欧 是 我赞成- Sure thing, Sir! 当然可以 长官- Of course 确信无疑采集:- You'll get the cash in a flash 您瞬间就能得到资金- It's in the bank 在储蓄库中- Mining 采集吧- Aah, there it is! 啊 (矿藏)就在那儿- Rolling with a Chrono Convoy 和时空车队同行返回精练厂:- I'll be there right away 我会立刻出现在那儿- In the blink of an eye 在转瞬间(抵达)- In no time at all 完全不费时间- Let's dump this stuff 让我们卸下矿材- Comin' home! 回来了Crizzly Battle Tank 灰熊坦克-------------------选择:- Vehicle ready 车辆就绪- Unit reporting 灰熊坦克报到- Yes, sir? 什么事 长官- Ready to roll 准备开动- Destination Commander? 目的地 指挥官移动:- Securing position 获得(指定的)位置- Good to go 准备出发- High speed, low drag 保持高速 不要拖延- Oustanding 非常出色- Bound forward! 向前推进攻击:- Weapon ready 准备武器- Commencing assault! 开始攻击- Closing in 进行包围- Drive' em up! 消灭掉它们- Fire zone confirmed 开火区域(得到)确认Infantry Fighting Vechile 步兵作战车-------------------------选择:- Everythings made to fit 一切我都能胜任- IFV ready IFV就绪- Need a conversion? 需要转换(成其他形态)么- We can make adjustments 我们能做出调整- Transformer panels in order 变形嵌板就位- Tools of the trade (IFV是)能变换的工具移动:- Fast and light 迅速 轻巧- Made for speed 为速度(而设计的)- On the go 行动中- Yup 好啊- Running smooth 平稳地行使着- Watch my dust 看我(扬起的)尘土攻击:- It's a sure shot! 射得很准- We've got' em 我们瞄准它们了- Of course 确信无疑- Takin' em down 干掉它们吧- Hittin' em hard 痛击它们吧Mirage Tank 幻影坦克-----------选择:- Mean green, and unseen! (快)变成绿色(的树木) 难以察觉- Aren't the trees lovely? 树木不漂亮么- Perfert hideout 最佳的隐蔽位置- Natural sanctuary 很逼真的隐藏点- Want some shade? 需要隐蔽起来么- Nobody's here but us trees! 这儿除了树外没有人影移动:- Layin' low 安静下来- Look natural 看起来很自然- Creeping ahead 悄悄地前进- On the prowl 在潜行中- Tree planting (准备)把树种那儿- Going mobile 开始移动- Now you see me, soon you won't 现在您看见我 不一会就不会了攻击:- Surprise! (发动)突袭- Ha-haa!- Sneak attack! 暗地袭击- One more for the landfill 又一辆(被打得)报废了- Time for an ambush 到埋伏的时机了Prism Tank 光棱坦克----------选择:- Prism tank in order, sir 光棱坦克就绪 长官- Length shifters in working position 焦距切换器在工作位置中- Prism sensors stable 棱镜传感器被固定- Panels charged 镜板完成冲能移动:- Compensating for terrain flux 抵消地表磁通量- Estimating distortion error 判断失真误差- New coordinates processed 处理新的坐标- Readjusting stabilizers 重新调整水平仪攻击:- Magnifiers activated 增效透镜工作中- Calculating reflection arcs 计算反射曲线- Resolving target projectory 确认投射对象- Focusing light energy 聚合光能量Battle Fortress 战斗要塞---------------选择:- Preparing for battle 准备战斗- Battle Fortress on the alert 战斗要塞警戒之中- Let's make a warpath 让我们驶上征程吧- Takin' in close- We will tramp our enemies! 我们会压扁敌人的- Let's load up the troops 让我们驻好驻军移动:- Nothing can stop us 无人可当- Charge 运载中- Mobilizing 正在行使- Rolling thundar! 雷鸣般地前进- Let's see some action 让我负责行动攻击:- Open fire! 开火- Fire at will 开火 遵命- Wipe' em out 干掉它们- We will crush' em 我们会消灭它们Allied MCV 盟军MCV----------选择:- Packed up & ready 整装待发- Materials checked and cleared 工具清点完毕- Blueprints ready, sir 蓝图准备好了 长官- Allied schematics on hand 盟军的图纸就在手上- Let's set up shop 让我们建站- What's the word? (您的)命令是什么移动:- Wanna set up over there? 准备在这儿建立么- Let's find some flat land 让我们找块平坦的土地- Location is key 位置最重要了- A new location, commander? 一个新的位置么 指挥官- Shows on the road 指出道路- Loaded up and truckin' 把物资装好声音在根文件夹内的sound内找。
