导读 小怡给大家谈谈edition是什么意思,以及edition是什么意思啊应用的知识点,希望对你所遇到的问题有所帮助。 edition是


edition是什么意思 edition是什么意思啊edition是什么意思 edition是什么意思啊

1、The dictionary has gone through ten editions .本词典已发行了十版。

2、The eleventh edition is the definitive edition .第十一版是最后定稿本。

3、The flats of the new edition are well joined .新版的书前后呼应得很好。

4、Shortings will be remedied in future editions ...罅漏之处,有待订补。

5、Collate a new edition with an earper edition .将新版本与旧版本作详细比较。

6、You may collate the latter with the earper edition .你可将新版与旧版相对照。

7、They issued a new edition of lu xun 's works .他们发行了鲁迅著作的一个新版本。

8、The last edition has been exhausted .最新版已销售一空。

9、Approximately one-half of this edition is new .这一版本大约有一半内容是新写的。

10、A new chapter is included in the second edition ...这本书再版时插入了新的一章。

11、It's difficult to see edition in a sentence. 用 edition 造句挺难的The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book .修订本简直是本新书。

12、The second edition follows closely the pattern of the first .再版严格遵照初版样式。

13、The edition has already gone down .这一版已付印。

14、The last edition of this newspaper goes to press at 6 p.m .该报的最后一版下午六点钟付印。

15、Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition .修订版收入许多新词语。

16、He could rush out an edition a few hours in advance of his rivals .他能比同行抢先几个小时出版。

17、The pubpshers are going to bring out a new edition of that book .出版商打算出版那本书的新版本。
