导读 为什么铅笔会叫铅笔 1564年,在英格兰的一个叫巴罗代尔的地方,人们发现了一种黑色的矿物--石墨。由于石墨能像铅


1564年,在英格兰的一个叫巴罗代尔的地方,人们发现了一种黑色的矿物--石墨。由于石墨能像铅一样在纸上留下痕迹,这痕迹比铅的痕迹要黑得多,因此,人们称石墨为“黑铅”。那时巴罗代尔一带的牧羊人常用石墨在羊身上画上记号。受此启发,人们又将石墨块切成小条,用于写字绘画。不久,英王乔治二世索性将巴罗代尔石墨矿收为皇室所有,把它定为皇家的专利品。用石墨条写它既会弄脏手,又容易折断。1761年,德国化学家法伯首先解决了这个问题。他用水冲洗石墨,使石墨变成石墨粉,然后同硫磺、锑、松香混合,再将这种混合物成条,这比纯石墨条的韧性大得多,也不大容易弄脏手。这就是最早的铅笔。直到18世纪末,世界上还只有英、德两国能够生产这种铅笔。因此,拿破仑·波拿巴发动了对邻国的战争后,英、德两国切断了对法国的铅笔供应,因此,拿破仑·波拿巴下令法国的化学家孔德在自己的国土上找到石墨矿,然后造出铅笔。但法国的石墨矿质量差,且储量少,孔德便在石墨中掺入粘土,放入窑里烧烤,制成了当时世界上既好又耐用的铅笔芯。在石墨中掺入的粘土比例不同,生产出的铅笔芯的硬度也就不同,颜色深浅也不同。这就是今天我们看到铅笔上标有的H(硬性铅笔)、B(软性铅笔)、HB(软硬适中的铅笔)的由来。给铅笔套上木杆外套的任务是美国的工匠门罗来完成的。他先造出了一种能切出木条的机械,然后在木条上刻上细槽,将铅笔芯放入槽内,再将两条木条对好、粘合,笔芯被紧紧地嵌在中间,这就是我们今天使用的铅笔。以石墨或加颜料的粘土做成的笔芯为书写介质,用于学习、办公、工程制图、美术、绘画、各种标记等的书写或绘画工具。古代希腊、罗马曾有用铅金属制成类似铅笔的铅棒。这种笔多制成锥形,利用铅与其他物体摩擦而留下铅的痕迹,用以划线做标记。14世纪时,欧洲出现类似现代的铅笔,荷兰画家曾用以在纸上绘画。意大利人曾使用铅和锡的混合物制成铅棒,用于绘画和书写。1565年在德国人C.格斯纳的藏书上有用铅笔绘制的图解,并记载有“为了制图和笔记,人们用铅及其他混合物制成笔芯,然后附上木制的把柄,进行划线……”的文字。同年英国开始以石墨为笔芯手工制出最原始的木杆铅笔。1662年在德国纽伦堡市建成世界上第一家铅笔厂——施德楼铅笔厂。1761年德国人F.卡斯特在纽伦堡市创建了法泊·卡斯特铅笔厂,采用硫磺、锑等作粘结剂与石墨加热混合制造铅芯,使铅笔制造技术前进了一大步。1790~1793年,法国N.J.康德首次采用水洗石墨的办法,使石墨的纯度提高,并用粘土将石墨粘结制成笔芯,此法被称为康德法。1793年建立康德铅笔厂,为现代铅笔工业奠定了基础。中国1932年在香港九龙建立第一家大华铅笔厂。其后相继建成北平中国铅笔公司和上海华文铅笔厂,均为半成品加工厂。1934年在上海建立中国标准国货铅笔厂,开始自制铅芯和着手研究采用国产原料制造铅笔。中华人民共和国建立后,在哈尔滨、北京、天津、济南、大连、福州、沈阳、蚌埠等10多个城市陆续建成年产 1.5~2.5亿支较大规模的铅笔厂。铅芯制造和油漆、印花装饰技术也不断提高,并开发了全塑铅笔、树脂细铅芯和细芯活动铅笔。研制成胶板束夹干燥机、自动上漆机、电隧道烧芯炉、搭板机及各种包装机等新型设备。

牧羊人之心wiki 牧羊人之心wiki抽蛋模拟器牧羊人之心wiki 牧羊人之心wiki抽蛋模拟器


按性质和用途可分为石墨铅笔、颜色铅笔、特种铅笔3类。石墨铅笔 铅笔芯以石墨为主要原料的铅笔。可供绘图和一般书写使用。石墨铅芯的硬度标志,一般用“H”表示硬质铅笔,“B”表示软质铅笔,“HB”表示软硬适中的铅笔,“F”表示硬度在HB和H之间的铅笔。石墨铅笔共分 6B、5B、4B、3B、 2B、B、 HB、F、H、2H、3H、4H、5H、6H、7H、8H、9H、10H等18个硬度等级,字母前面的数字愈大,分别表明愈硬或愈软。此外还有7B、8B、9B3个等级的软质铅笔,以满足绘画等特殊需要。颜色铅笔 铅芯有色彩的铅笔。铅芯由粘土、颜料、滑石粉、胶粘剂、油脂和蜡等组成。用于标记符号、绘画、绘制图表与地图等。颜色铅笔通常是成套(6,12,24,36,64种颜色)装盒。特种铅笔 包括玻璃铅笔、 变色铅笔、 炭画铅笔、晒图铅笔、水彩铅笔、粉彩铅笔等,它们各有其特殊用途。①玻璃铅笔:铅芯由颜料、油脂和蜡类等组成。用于在玻璃、金属、搪瓷、陶瓷、皮革、塑料、有机玻璃等表面书写或作标记,供工业、医药、国防、勘测等部门使用。有红、白、橘黄、 淡黄、 紫绛、深绿、淡蓝、黑等颜色。②变色铅笔:俗称拷贝铅笔。铅芯含有耐晒青莲色淀等染料,书写的字迹用橡皮擦不掉,适用于缮写长期保存的重要文件,记载账目。有青莲、红、蓝、绿、黄等颜色,以青莲色居多。③炭画铅笔:又称炭素铅笔。铅芯由粘土、木炭粉、炭黑等制成。用于绘画、油画打底。④晒图铅笔:又称描图铅笔。石墨铅芯用油溶蜡红等红色染料处理,以起遮光作用,用于绘图后直接晒图。⑤水彩铅笔:铅芯中加有水溶性酸性大红等酸性染料。铅芯沾水时就如同水彩颜料,用于相片着色、写生、绘制地图、统计图表等。⑥粉彩铅笔:铅芯用颜料及多孔柔软的原料(如碳酸钙)制成,不含油脂和蜡类。其硬度和书写手感类似粉笔。用于绘画。


铅笔原料主要有铅笔杆用料、石墨铅芯原料、颜色铅芯原料和外观装饰用料等。铅笔杆用料主要包括木材和胶合剂。木材用于制作笔杆,要求纹理正直,结构细而匀,质软或稍软,略带脆性,少含树脂,吸湿性低,胀缩性小,不变形。主要有铅笔柏(红柏)、香杉、西达木、椴木、桤木等。胶合剂应有适当粘度、流动性和润湿性,硬化后胶层有韧性,对刀具损伤小,具有一定耐水、耐热、耐老化性能,常温下易固化,硬化时间短,无毒等。主要有动物胶、聚酯酸乙烯乳液、热熔胶等。石墨铅芯原料和辅助材料原料有石墨和粘土。石墨为着色剂,利用其滑腻性和可塑性,制成铅芯能划出黑色痕迹,牢固粘附在纸面上,并能用橡皮擦掉。应选用含碳量高、颗粒细的石墨。粘土为粘结剂,利用其可塑性和粘结性,将石墨颗粒粘结起来。要求可塑性好,含铁量低,烧结范围宽的粘土。辅助材料包括成型材料和改变铅芯性能材料。成型材料用于提高可塑性和粘结力,改善铅芯成型性能。常用的有饴糖、黄耆树胶等。改变铅芯性能材料用于铅芯烧结后油浸处理,借以改善铅芯物理性能(如磨耗、浓度、芯尖受力、滑度、硬度等)。常用的有石蜡、牛羊油、凡士林等,通常两种或两种以上搭配使用。颜色铅芯原料有色料、体质原料、胶粘剂、油脂和蜡。色料(包括颜料和染料)起着色作用,要求着色力好,遮盖力高、质软、细度高,耐热性好,无毒等。常用的有钛白粉、炭黑、酞青蓝等。体质原料起粘结、骨架和调节硬度作用。外观装饰用料主要有硝基纤维铅笔漆、印花油墨、电化铝箔、橡皮头和铝箍等。制作工艺可分为铅笔板、铅芯、铅笔杆、成品装饰等工艺过程。铅笔板加工将原木开解、截断,开方锯解成木块,经水热处理后通过切板机切成铅笔板。板长184mm,宽73mm,厚 4.8~5.2mm。再经加热(60~120℃)干燥和高温(130~200℃)变性处理,使铅笔板达到软化易卷削的程度。铅芯加工石墨铅芯是以石墨与粘土按一定比例配好,经捏练机、三辊机调混后,通过压芯机挤压出一定规格尺寸(如HB~3H铅芯直径为1.80~2.10mm)的铅芯,经加热(50~150℃)干燥和高温(800~1100℃)焙烧,使其具有一定机械强度和硬度,最后经油浸处理而制成。颜色铅芯加工和石墨铅芯类似,但不需进行烧结。加工方法有两种:一种是将粘土、滑石粉、胶粘剂、色料、油脂和蜡等混合均匀后,经成型、干燥而制成,称为混合法;另一种是将瓷土、滑石粉、色料及胶粘剂等混合均匀后挤压成铅芯或将经干燥的铅芯放在油芯容器中,在一定温度下使其充分吸收油脂而制成,称为油浸法。铅笔杆加工用刨槽机将铅笔板刨削成厚度为4.1~4.2mm,并有与铅芯直径相适应的芯槽的槽板,然后使用胶合剂将铅芯和铅笔板胶合起来,在夹紧状态下加热(50~120℃)干燥1~8小时后,经刨杆机加工制成长度为178~180mm的白杆铅笔。外观装饰加工将白杆铅笔进行油漆和印花装饰,以及切光、打印商标、装橡皮头等加工,使其成为具有一定规格、外观颜色和花纹图案的成品铅笔


这些是表示是铅笔的硬度,是按照笔心的硬度来定的,从软到硬分别为6B,5B,4B,3B,2B,B,HB,H,2H,3H,4H,5H,6H B--BLACK黑度 H--HARD硬度 B数越多铅笔就越黑越软,H数越多就越硬颜色越浅.HB是中间的. 铅笔规格通常以H和B来表示,“H”是英文“Hard”(硬)的开头字母,表示铅笔芯的硬度,它前面的数字越大,表示它的铅芯越硬,颜色越淡。“B"是英文“Black"(黑)的首字母,代表石墨的成分,表示铅笔芯质软的情况和写字的明显程度,它前面的数字越大,表明颜色越浓、越黑。 下表列出不同型号的铅笔芯电阻的参考值(欧): 型号--------阻值(欧) 中华6B-----3 中华5B-----3.5 中华4B-----4.5 中华3B-----6 中华2B-----9 中华B------13长城HB----16中华H-----22 中华2H----40 中华3H----47 中华4H----59 中华5H----76 中华6H----143铅笔大多是用碳的同素异形体之一石墨做笔芯的。铅笔的分类正是按照笔芯中石墨的份量来划分。一般划分为H、HB、B三大类。其中H类铅笔,笔芯硬度相对较高,适合用于界面相对较硬或粗糙的物体,比如木工划线,野外绘图等;HB类铅笔笔芯硬度适中,适合一般情况下的书写;B类铅笔,笔芯相对较软,适合绘画,也可用于填涂一些机器可识别的卡片。比如,目前我们常使用2B铅笔来填涂答题卡。另外,常见的还有彩色铅笔,也就是人们常说的蜡笔,主要用于画画。很多人可能还不知道,铅笔还可以鉴别钻石的真伪。钻石用水润湿后,用铅笔在它上面刻划一下,真钻石的表面不会留下铅笔划过的痕迹。用水晶、玻璃、电气石等制作的假钻石则会留下痕迹。



在用石墨做笔芯之前,的确是用铅金属写字的,不过字的颜色很浅且写起来很费力,很快就被石墨取代了。 楼上不知道就不要瞎说哦。

1楼说的不对吧 铅笔 是由石墨和粘土组成的





回答者: lvan19971997 - 初入江湖 三级 2-7 14:00

在用石墨做笔芯之前,的确是用铅金属写字的,不过字的颜色很浅且写起来很费力,很快就被石墨取代了。 楼上不知道就不要瞎说哦。

回答者: D智多星 - 试用期 一级 2-7 14:03


回答者: 小小懒猫O - 经理 四级 2-7 14:04


















小红帽后现代版 英文简介

The story begins in medias res, with Red, the Wolf, Granny, and the Woodsman, in their confrontation at Granny's house. Mid-scene, the story jumps ahead to the police cordoning off Granny’s house following the opening events. The lead investigator, frog-form Nicky Flippers, interrogates each of the four participants, with each character giving their own version of how and why they arrived at the house. Because the film uses a police interrogation as a framing sequence, it is evocative of the 1995 crime thriller The Usual Suspects, and because the four participants’ stories converge at points prior to the meeting at Granny’s, and are at times self-serving, the format is evocative of Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 film Rashomon.

Red, the first interview subject, tells Flippers that she is merely a delivery person for her Granny’s "goodies", and that when she came across the ransacked home of another goody-maker, the latest in a recent string of such attacks by a thief known only as the Goody Bandit, whose crimes have resulted in the closure of many goody makers in the forest, Red decided to take the hidden recipe book in the house for safekeeping. This admission appears self-ruinous, as it casts Red in a suspicious light, but Red asserts her innocence, adding that on her way to Granny’s house, she fell from an air trolley she was riding with the rabbit Boingo, and when she landed in the forest, she ran into the Wolf, who, after questioning her, appeared to become hostile. After using a “Wolf Away” spray to repel the lupine attacker, Red fled, using a mountain railway system manned by Japeth, a singing goat with detachable horns with different uses. The two soon find themselves in the middle of an anvalanche which they barely escaped using the tunnel, but as the railway cart they were riding emerged from the mountain, Red saw that the tracks far ahead of them were apparently destroyed, and an image of her Granny appeared in the sky above her instructing her to use her hood as a parachute, which Red successfully did (the goat used a pair of helicopter-horns to land safely also). When she gets to Granny’s she sees through the Wolf’s transparently obvious Granny disguise, and just as he reveals himself and the two confront one another again, a bound and gagged Granny jumps out of her closet, followed by a crazed-looking axe-wielding Woodsman, who bursts into the living room through the window, screaming, to the horror of the other three.

Flippers then interrogates the Wolf, who it appears certain is the culprit. But the Wolf reveals that he is an investigative reporter whose prior stories Flippers is familiar with, and tells him that he and his hyperactive photographer, a squirrel named Twitchy, were investigating the recent thefts of various recipes by the Goody Bandit, and became suspicious of Red when he saw her traipsing through the forest with goodies in a basket. He explains that he was merely questioning Red because it was his job, and that when his tail got caught in the film chamber of Twitchy’s camera, he roared in pain, which Red took as an attack. After using a shortcut provided by Boingo the rabbit, the Wolf and Twitchy used the mountain railway system, which was destroyed when Twitchy lit a candle in the cart that turned out to be a stick of dynamite. The duo arrive at Granny’s house, and the Wolf throws Twitchy in the closet to hide, but Granny is already there, and already tied up, which complicates the authorities’ view of the Wolf as the culprit. The Wolf puts on a Granny disguise, and the confrontation is again seen.

The Woodsman is then interrogated. He reveals that he is an aspiring actor, and that for money, he drives a goody truck, selling schnitzel on a stick to children. He tells Flippers that after a disastrous audition for a bunion cream commercial, where his thick Bavarian accent hurt his chances, he then discovers that his goody truck has been robbed, apparently in another attack by the Goody Bandit, as Boingo pops in on the scene. The Woodsman is distraught, but receives a callback for the commercial, and decides to prepare for the role of a woodsman by chopping down trees. After chopping away most of a giant tree, he finds himself atop it as it rolls down the hill towards Granny’s house, and he is thrown through the living room window, hollering the entire way. This makes him the only person there completely by accident.

Granny is the last to be interviewed. She reveals that she is an extreme athlete known as Triple G (a homage to the Vin Diesel character Triple X in xXx) who prefers activities like snowboarding to being the stereotypical goody-making grandmother. She explains that she enjoys such activities, and that at the Extreme Dream Snow Sports competition between her teammates and an imposing European ski-team, Boingo the rabbit even asked for her autograph. She tells Flippers that during the race down the mountain, the opposing team physically attacked her and her team, and she narrowly escaped a mountain avalanche via a parachute (winning the race in the process). As she approached her home, she saw Red below her in the railway cart, and advised her to use her hood as her own parachute. Shortly after, Granny arrived in her bedroom. Her parachute became caught in the ceiling fan, and she ended up wrapped up in it and thrown into her own closet. The familiar confrontation with Red, the Wolf and the Woodsman then ensued. The revelation of Granny’s other life is a shock to Red, who is hurt that Granny kept her other life a secret from her.

The police are back to square one, as none of the four appears to be culprits, but then the basket of Granny’s goodies and the recipe book is found to be missing, as is Red. But we then see Red following the real thief, the one who was present during all four accounts: Boingo. Red follows him on the air tram up to the mountain, where he and his henchmen, the aforementioned opposing snowboarding team, plan to corner the market on goodies, and make them highly addictive to kids. Red is discovered, and placed in the air tram filled with dynamite. The Wolf, Granny and the Woodsman follow, and foil Boingo’s evil plans. Red is freed from the air tram before it explodes, and Boingo and his henchmen are captured by the police. The next day, Flippers tells Red, Granny, the Wolf, and Twitchy (the Woodsman became a world-famous yodeler) that he is a member of the "Happily Ever After Agency", and offers to enlist the four to work for him.




贝雷帽( beret ),起源于15世纪法国西南部比利牛斯山脉( Pirineos )脚下贝阿恩( Béarn )的牧羊人。除了帽子本身「遮风挡雨」的功能外,还可作「擦汗」、「坐垫」之用,非常适合牧羊人的劳作生活。