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植物大战僵尸有中文版的么 下个中文版的玩啊 就是先种向日葵收集阳光然后造各种植物来打僵尸就好了么









我的世界》修改攻击速度和距离单机可以用指令或者命令方块,服务器不行。《我的世界》是由Mojang Studios开发,在中国由网易代理的沙盒式建造游戏,游戏于2017年8月8日在中国大陆独家运营。




《我的世界》修改攻击速度和距离单机可以用指令或者命令方块,服务器不行。《我的世界》是由Mojang Studios开发,在中国由网易代理的沙盒式建造游戏,游戏于2017年8月8日在中国大陆独家运营。








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Zombie Regular garden variety Zombie.

Toughness: Low

Bio: This zombie loves brains. Can't get enough. Brains, brains, brains, day in and night out. Old and stinky brains? Rotten brains? Brains clearly past their prime? Doesn't matter. Regular zombie wants'em.

Flag Zombie Flag Zombies mark the arrival of a huge pile or "wave" of zombies.


Bio: Make no mistake, Flag Zombie loves brains. But somewhere down the line he also picked up a fascination with flags. Maybe it's because the flags always have brains on them. Hard to say.

Conehead Zombie His traffic cone headpeice makes him twice as tough as normal zombies.

Toughness: Medium

Bio: Conehead Zombie shuffled mindlessly forward like every other zombie. But something made him stop, made him pick up a traffic cone and stick it on his head. Oh yeah. He likes to party.

Pole Vaulting Zombie Pole Vaulting Zombie vaults with a pole.

Toughness: Medium

Speed: Fast, then normal after the jump.

Special: Jumps the first plant he runs into.

Bio: Some zombies take it further, aspire more, push themselves beyond the normal into greatness. That's Pole Vaulting Zombie right there. That is so him.

Buckethead Zombie His bucket hat makes him extremely resistant to damage.

Toughness: High

Bio: Buckethead Zombie always wore a bucket. Part of it was to assert his uniqueness in an uncaring world. Mostly he just forgot it was there in the first place.

Newspaper Zombie His newspaper provides limited defense.

Toughness: Low

Newspaper Toughness: Low

Speed: Normal, then fast (after losing newspaper).

Bio: Newspaper Zombie was "this" close to finishing his sudoku puzzle. No wonder he's freaking out.

Screen Door Zombie His screen door is an effective shield.

Toughness: Low

Screen Door Toughness: High

Weakness: Fume-shroom and Magnet-shroom

Bio: He got his screen door from the last inexpertly defended home he visited, after he ATE THE HOMEOWNER'S BRAINS.

Football Zombie Football Zombie makes the big plays.

Toughness: Very High

Speed: Fast

Weakness: Magnet-shroom

Bio: Football Zombie gives 110 percent whenever he's on the field. He's a team player who delivers both offensively and defensively. He has no idea what a football is.

Dancing Zombie Any resemblance between Dancing Zombie and persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Toughness: Medium

Special: Summons Back-up Dancers

Bio: Dancing Zombie's latest album, "GraarrBRAINSarblarbl," is already rocketing up the undead charts.

Backup Dancer These zombies appear in sets of four whenever Dancing Zombie rocks out.

Toughness: Low

Bio: Backup Dancer Zombie spent six years perfecting his art at the Chewliard Performing Arts School in Zombie New York City.

Ducky Tube Zombie The ducky tube allows this zombie to float on water. Only appears in the pool.

Toughness: Low

Bio: It takes a certain kind of zombie to be a Ducky Tuber. Not every zombie can handle it. Some crack. They can't take it. They walk away and give up on brains forever.

Snorkel Zombie Snorkel zombies can swim underwater. Only appears in the pool.

Toughness: Low

Special: Submerges to avoid attacks.

Bio: Zombies don't breathe. They don't need air. So why does Snorkel Zombie need a snorkel to swim underwater? Answer: peer pressure.

Zomboni The Zomboni applies ice, steam and pressure to your plants.


Special: Crushes plants, leaves an ice trail.

Weakness: Spikeweed

Bio: Often mistaken for a zombie driving an ice machine, the Zomboni is a totally different life-form more closely related to a space ogre than a zombie.

Zombie Bobsled Team These zombies appear in teams of four.

Toughness: Low (each zombie)

Bobsled Toughness: Low

Special: Only appears on ice

Bio: Zombie Bobsled Team worked hard to get where they are. They live together, eat brains together and train togheter to become a cohesive zombie unit.

Dolphin Rider Zombie Dolphin Rider Zombies use dolphins to exploit weaknesses in your pool defense. Only appears in the pool.

Toughness: Medium

Speed: Fast, then slow (after jump)

Special: Jumps over the first plant he runs into.

The dolphin is also a zombie.

Jack-in-the-Box Zombie This zombie carries an explosive surprise.

Toughness: Medium

Speed: Fast

Special: Jack-in-the-Box explodes

Weakness: Magnet-shroom

Bio: This zombie shivers, not because he's cold but because he's crazy.

Balloon Zombie Balloon Zombie floats above the fray, immune to most attacks.

Toughness: Low

Special: Flying

Weakness: Cactus and Blover

Bio: Balloon Zombie really lucked out. The balloon thing really works and none of the other zombies have picked up on it.

Digger Zombie This zombie digs to bypass your defenses.

Toughness: Medium

Speed: Fast, then slow (after unburrowing)

Special: Tunnels underground and appears on the left side of the lawn.

Weakness: Split Pea and Magnet-shroom

Bio: Digger Zombie spends three days a week getting his excavation permits in order.

Pogo Zombie Pogo Zombie hops to bypass your defenses.

Toughness: Medium

Special: Hops over plants

Weakness: Magnet-shroom

Bio: Sproing! Sproing! Sproing! That's the sound of a powerful and effective zombie doing what he does best.

Zombie Yeti A rare and curious creature.

He only appears on level 5-10 (the thunderstorm level), and even then only after you have beaten the game once.

You don't have to kill him, he will leave on his own.

Toughness: High

Special: Runs away after a short while

Bio: Little is known about the Zombie Yeti other than his name, birth date, social security number, educational history, past work experience and sandwich preference (roast beef and Swiss).

Bungee Zombie Bungee Zombie attacks from above.

Toughness: Medium

Special: Descends from the sky and steals a plant

Bio: Bungee Zombie loves to take risks. After all, what's the point of being dead if you don't live a little?

Ladder Zombie Ladder Zombie climbs over obstacles.

Toughness: Medium

Ladder Toughness: Medium

Speed: Fast, then slow (after placing ladder)

Weakness: Fume-shroom and Magnet-shroom

Bio: He picked the ladder up for $8.99.

Catapult Zombie Catapult Zombie operates heavy machinery.

Toughness: Medium

Special: Lobs basketballs at your plants

Bio: Of all the things Catapult Zombie could launch with his catapult, basketballs seemed like the best and most obvious choice.

Gargantuar Gargantuar is a gigantic zombie. He uses a telephone pole to break plants and pots with one swing. You can tell when you will face Garantuar because you can see him in the crowd of zombies before the level starts. He also only appears during massive wave attacks. The best way to stop him is to have a Squash and a Jalapeno ready to use during each massive wave. Place the Squash directly in front of him. When the Squash hits, Garantuar will throw his imp. Now you must use your Jalapeno. This will take out Garantuar and his imp at the same time.

Toughness: Extremely high

Bio: When Gargantuar walks, the earth trembles. When he moans, other zombies fall silent. He is the zombie other zombies dream they could be. But he still can't find a girlfriend.

Imp Imps are tiny zombies hurled by Gargantuar deep into your defenses.

Toughness: Low

Bio: Imp may be small, but he's wiry. He's proficient in zombie judo, zombie karate and zombie bare-knuckle brawling. He also plays the melodica.

Dr. Zomboss Dr. Zomboss rules them all.

Toughness: Extreme

Bio: Edgar George Zomboss achieved his Doctorate in Thanatology in only two years. Quickly mastering thanatological technology, he built his fearsome Zombot and set about establishing absolute dominance of his local subdivision.

