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2、我的世界基岩版Beta1.18.0.22更新内容介绍Highlights in this Beta!本测试版需要注意的事情!Added new music tracks to the game!加入了新音乐!Added new Vanilla Experiments Toggle加入了新原版实验性玩法选项Please note _ these will not be included in the main 1.18 release,but are being included as Experiments so that we can continue to develop these features and gather your feedback请注意——这些东西不会包含在1.18更新当中,但是会在实验性玩法中存在,这样我们就可以更好的优化关于这些东西的特性并收集你的反馈!New Deep Dark 方块!新 Deep Dark 方块!Moved Goat Horn and Sculk 方块 behind the toggle。

3、Please enable the toggle to test these work-in-progress features in your worlds。

4、For more information please see our updated FAQ!将山羊角和潜声方块加入了实验性玩法。

5、若想游玩这些特性,请开启实验性玩法,更多问题请见 updated FAQ!Removed Old World type from the world creation screen (existing worlds will still be playable). For more information, please see our FAQ page for this change.将有限世界从创建世界界面移除。


7、更多问题请见 FAQ page 。

8、Please remember to report and update any crucial bugs you've found in the game so far, so we can get these reviewed before the full release!记得报告或更新你在游戏中遇到的任何重要bug,这样我们就可以在正式发布之前检查修复这些bug!Experimental Features实验性特性Added new "Vanilla Experiments" experimental toggle for Sculk Sensor and Goat Horn加入了“原版实验性玩法”选项,用来测试潜声传感器和山羊角的特性You will need to enable the Vanilla Experiments toggle in your worlds to use these features开启该实验性玩法后,你才能游玩这些新特性When converting a really old world to CavesCliffs experimental directly, we now place new terrain below zero height (MCPE-143851)现在将旧世界转换到新版本后,新生物群系只会在旧区块的y0以下出现Deep Dark blocksDeep Dark 方块Added Sculk Block加入了潜声方块(暂译)Added Sculk Vein Block加入了潜声地衣(暂译)Added Sculk Catalyst Block加入了潜声母块(暂译)Added Sculk Shrieker Block加入了潜声尖啸(暂译)Non-Experimental Features and Bug Fixes非实验性特性和漏洞修复Music音乐Added new music, by Lena Raine and Kumi Tanioka, to the Overworld (when playing in Survival Mode) and to the main menu加入了由 Lena Raine 和 Kumi Tanioka 创作的新音乐。

9、该音乐会在主世界 (生存模式下) 和主菜单中播放Please note: Mobile players will need to download the updated music pack from the Marketplace请注意:手机玩家需要在市场中更新音乐包Added a new music disc from Lena Raine titled "otherside". This can be found rarely in Stronghold corridor chests or much more rarely in Dungeon chests.加入了由 Lena Raine 创作的音乐,题目叫 “otherside”。


11、Old World Type有限世界Removed "Old" World Type option from Create New World screen从创建世界界面移除了 “有限世界” 类型Locked "Old" Worlds to BaseGameVersion 1.17.40“有限世界” 类型的世界的版本锁定在1.17.40Existing "Old" World types will still be playable, but will not be updated with 1.18 features已存在的有限世界仍可正常游玩,但世界中不会出现1.18特性Blocks方块Campfires no longer drop only one Charcoal when broken by a Piston or an explosion, instead dropping two units as expected (MCPE-139467)营火被爆炸或活塞破坏时会正常掉落两个木炭 (MCPE-139467)Light blocks will now survive a TNT or Creeper explosion光照方块现在不会被TNT爆炸或者苦力怕爆炸摧毁Feature Placement地物放置Glow Lichen no longer generates at the bottom of the ocean (MCPE-125198)发光地衣不再在海底生成(MCPE-125198)Strongholds can no longer generate mid-air in large caves地牢不再在大型洞穴的半空生成Underwater magma features are now placed on surfaces under water to allow exploration of underwater caves and aquifers (MCPE-141376)水下的岩浆块可以在水下的洞穴中生成 (MCPE-141376)Glow Lichen no longer generate above ground in Bedrock (MCPE-141412)发光地衣不再在地表生成 (MCPE-141412)Village buildings now carve less terrain around them when placed村庄的建筑生成时会更少改变附近的地形Added feature placement distribution triangle", and changed all features that used "gaussian" distribution to now use "triangle"增加了 "三角分布 "功能,并将所有使用 "高斯 "分布的功能改为现在使用 "三角"Gameplay玩法Fixed StructureVoid block forcing player to spawn above ground if they left in a cave filled with those blocks修复了玩家在一个充满StructureVoid方块的洞穴中离开世界时,玩家进入游戏时会在地表重新生成的问题Fixed bug where players could create an x-ray vision effect when inside a block below y=0 (MCPE-141130)修复了玩家在y0以下的方块内部可以透视的问题 (MCPE-141130)New random number generator used for overworld generation加入了用于主世界生成的新随机数生成器Fire Charge is not consumed anymore when used on lit Candles, Candle Cakes, Campfires, activated Nether Portals, or on other blocks that are already on fire当使用火焰附加的武器点燃已经点燃的蜡烛、插蜡烛的蛋糕、篝火、激活的下界传送门或其他已经着火的方块时,不再消耗耐久General常规Fixed issue where weather was not affecting or affected by blocks above y = 255修复了天气不会影响y=255以上方块的问题Improved the error messaging in the Play screen when Microsoft Account permissions are set to block multiplayer优化了微软账户权限被设置为禁止多人游戏时游戏屏幕上显示的错误信息Fixed an issue causing Paintings to break and drop when loading into worlds and Marketplace templates (MCPE-144217)修复了加载世界和市场模板时,画会被破坏并掉落的问题 (MCPE-144217)Vanilla Parity待同步特性Raid boss bars now decrease whenever a raider takes damage现在袭击的boss栏在袭击怪物受到伤害时也会减少Villagers村民Villagers will keep following their schedules in worlds that have been ticking for a very long time, and when game time is negative (MCPE-98361)当游戏时间为负数并且世界已经存在很长时间时,村民也会正常按照村民日程工作 (MCPE-98361)Graphical图形界面Fixed a visual glitch where taking a plant from a Flower Pot would result in the plant still being rendered (MCPE-143661)修复了从花盆中取走植物后,不显示空花盆而仍然显示之前的植物的问题 (MCPE-143661)Mobs生物The riding position of Llamas no longer shifts after being tamed (MCPE-143006)驯服羊驼后,骑乘羊驼的位置不再发生变化 (MCPE-143006)Fixed an issue preventing Tropical Fish from spawning in Lukewarm Oceans修复了一个阻止热带鱼在温水海洋中生成的问题Performance and Stability性能与稳定性Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay修复了数个可能在游戏中发生的崩溃Fixed crash when loading certain LevelChunks修复了加载特定的存档区块时发生的崩溃Optimized the generation of ores in the world优化了世界中矿石的生成Fixed a crash that could occur when going through portals with tamed pets (MCPE-129738)修复了带着已驯服的宠物通过传送门时可能发生的崩溃 (MCPE-129738)Fixed a soft lock that could sometimes occur when attempting to generate a world from a bad template修复了尝试从一个糟糕的模板中生成世界时,有时可能会出现的软锁User Interface用户界面References to Xbox Live have been changed to Xbox对Xbox Live的引用已改为XboxTechnical Updates技术性更新Clone Command Intersect ErrorClone 命令重叠错误The '/clone' command has been updated to properly check for overlapping source and destinations areas no longer allowing for a 1 block depth overlap on each axis. This can continue to be overridden via the force clone option更新了/clone命令,现在它会正确检查复制区域和目标区域的重叠情况,不再允许任何方向上有1个方块的重叠。

