导读 小天今天给分享alter是什么意思的知识,其中也会对alter是什么意思啊进行解释,希望能解决你的问题,请看下面的文


1、alter v1、(cause sth/sb to) become different; change incharacter, position, size, shape, etc (使某事物[某人])改变; 更改, 变更, 修改, 改(性质﹑位置, 大小﹑ 形状等): I didn't recognize him because he had alteredso much. 我没认出他来, 因为他变了许多. * She had to alter herclothes after losing weight. 她瘦了以後, 衣服也得修改了. * The plane altered course. 飞机更改了航线. * That alters things, ie makes the situation different.那就使情况发生变化.2、 (euph 婉 esp US) remove the testicles or ovaries of (an animal) 阉割;给(雄性动物)去势; 给(雌性动物)割去卵巢.vt.改变; 更改; 改建(房屋); (人)变老;vi.改变; 修改;。
