导读 琪琪给大家谈谈chinesevideo人体私拍,以及中国956人体艺术照应用的知识点,希望对你所遇到的问题有所帮助。 chines




2、I think she is very special and different from other person.二、你注册了微博,不过之前我看到你已有段时间没有更新,还好后来你又更新了。

3、I noticed that you haven't update your Weibo for some time before you registered Weibo, but then it's good that you update it.三、我在2007年就看过SHE的演唱视频,那首歌是《中国话》,但直到不久前才开始略微关注他们。

4、I saw the SHE concert video in 2007, and that song is 'Chinese', but until recently, i start to pay a little attention to them.四、在你的博客上看了部分文章,不过我中文非常不好,借助网络翻译略微了解了大意。



7、I have read some articles on your blog, but my Chinese is very poor, so i just got to understand the general idea a little by using online translation software.Your articles are also pulished on the newspaper. But i hope i can see those articles are gethered in a book, i think, in a way, both of the Internet and the newpaper can't compare with the forms of books.五、2010年4月,SHE参加了《康熙来了》的节目录制。

8、 康熙来了:Kangsi ComingSHE participated the programme recording of 'Kangsi Coming' on April 2010.六、中国队方面认为日本队的打法风格与巴西队相似。

9、The Chinese team thinks that the play style of Japanese team is similar to the style of Brazil team.七、我衷心祝愿中国队在友谊赛以及各项国际赛事中能有优异的战绩。

10、I earnestly/sincerely hope that the Chinese team will gain excellent results in in friendly match and various international competitions.您好,很高兴能为您解答,关于这个问题,我为您做了以下的解答:1.I think she is very special, different from others.(我觉得她非常特别,与众不同。

11、)2.Before you register for weibo, but I see you has time didn't update, ok you update again later.(你注册了微博,不过之前我看到你已有段时间没有更新,还好后来你又更新了。

12、)3.I have read in 2007, SHE's singing video, the song is "Chinese", but until recently started a bit concerned about them.(我在2007年就看过SHE的演唱视频,那首歌是《中国话》,但直到不久前才开始略微关注他们。

13、)4.Watched some articles on your blog, but my Chinese is very bad, with the help of online translation to understand the careless slightly. Your article is published in the newspaper. But I hope I can see collected books, and I think to some extent, the carrier network and newspaper than books.(在你的博客上看了部分文章,不过我中文非常不好,借助网络翻译略微了解了大意。



16、)5.In April 2010, SHE took part in the program recording "kangxi come".(2010年4月,SHE参加了《康熙来了》的节目录制。

17、)6.Chinese think the Japanese style is similar to Brazil.(中国队方面认为日本队的打法风格与巴西队相似。
