导读 小天给大家谈谈deeply翻译,以及google翻译应用的知识点,希望对你所遇到的问题有所帮助。 1、ilikeplayingsoccerWHICH WO


1、ilikeplayingsoccerWHICH WORD?deep / deeplyThe adverbs deep and deeply can both mean 'a long way down or into something'. Deep can only mean this and is more common than deeply in this sense. It is usually followed by a word like into or below: We decided to go deeper into the jungle.Deeply usually means 'very much': deeply in love ◆ deeply shocked. You can use deep down (but not deeply) to talk about a per-son's real nature:She can seem stern, but deep down she's a very kind person.deep 本身就是 adv 啦前面有very, 后面加形容词。
