导读 您好,今天小华来为大家解答以上的问题。俺去啦俺来啦相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、你好


1、你好:i never thought that it be easy 我从来没想过那是简单的原因cause we both so distance now 导致现在我们相隔and the walls are closing in on us 隔阂包围住我们and we're wondering how我们想知道no one has a solid answer但没有人能有一个确切的答案but just walking in the dark但仅仅只能在黑暗中前行and you can see the look on my face你可以看见我脸上的表情it just tells me apart它仅仅告诉我们分离 他只能分辨出我来so we fight (so we fight)因此我们与之抗衡through the hurt (through the hurt)经历痛苦and we cry (and cry and cry and cry)我们哭了又哭and we live (and we live)还是要生存下去and we learn (and we learn)我们学会了and we try and try and try and try不断的尝试so its up to to you and its up to me一直到我或你that we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上(back down to earth ~~~)mommy you'll always and somewhere 母亲你总是在某个地方and daddy i live outta down父亲和我住在乡村so tell me how could i ever be所以告诉我应该怎样变得正常normal somehowyou tell me this is for the best你告诉我,这才是最好的so tell me why am i in tears所以告诉我我为什么流泪so far away and now i just need you here所以从过去到现在我一直需要你在我身边so we fight (so we fight)因此我们与之抗衡through the hurt (through the hurt)经历痛苦and we cry (and cry and cry and cry)我们哭了又哭and we live (and we live)还是要生存下去and we learn (and we learn)我们学会了and we try and try and try and try我们不断的尝试so its up to to you and its up to me一直到我或你that we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上(back down to earth ~~~)回到地球we fell so far away from where we used to be我们离我们曾经住过的地方越来越远now we're standing and were do we go现在我们是站着还是出发when there's no road to get to your heart当没有路到达你的内心let's start over again让我们再从新来过so its up to to you and its up to me一直到我或你that we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上i never thought that it be easy我从来没想过那是简单的原因cause we both so distance now导致现在我们相隔and the walls are closing in on us我们之间的墙越来越近是这首吗醉人的花香by:李坤雨当阳光温暖美丽的山岗我看见羊羔花在悄悄的开放在这个生我养我的地方我爱上一位赶着羊群的姑娘--姑娘啊姑娘你的身上飘着让人心醉的花香姑娘啊姑娘你的身上-如果有一天我去雪域之外流浪你不要你不要为我独自忧伤如果有一天我在异乡迷失了方向你的花香是我唯一能借助的翅膀---是这首吗?。
