导读 关于demons驱动器,demons驱动器再版这个很多人还不知道,今天小栢来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看


demons驱动器 demons驱动器再版demons驱动器 demons驱动器再版

1、Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, are you okay to drive ? A minute ago you were dead.,—— Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation,嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿, 你还能 开车 吗?一分钟以前,你还死着呢。

2、,——《碟中谍5: 神秘国度》, 一、下面我们来看看drive有几种含义 , n. , 1.驱车旅行;兜风;车程 [C] ,We went for a drive in the afternoon.,我们下午开车出去兜风。

3、, 2.私人车道;路,大道 [C] ,Then it must have been Dorothy who had dropped the rumours at Moreton Drive.,这样看来,在莫里顿大道散布流言蜚语的一定是多萝西。

4、, 3.冲动;欲望 [C] ,He was dominated by an insatiable drive for fame.,他被一种难以满足的成名欲支配着。

5、, 4.干劲;魄力;积极性 [U] ,He is a man of great drive.,他是一个劲头十足的人。

6、, 5.运动;宣传活动 [C] ,The manager decided to launch a sales drive.,经理决定开展一次促销活动。

7、, v. , 1.驾驶(汽车等) [T] ,I don't know how to drive a carriage.,我不会驾马车。

8、, 2.用车送 [T] ,He'll drive us to the airport.,他会开车送我们去机场。

9、, 3.驱动;推动 [T] ,The machine is driven by electricity.,这机器用电力驱动。

10、, 4.驱赶;围赶(猎物) [T] ,He claims to be able to drive our demons.,他声称能驱赶我们的恶魔。

11、, 5.迫使 [T] ,He drove her to admit it.,他逼迫她承认。

12、, 6.把(钉,桩等)打入 [T] ,We first drove the stakes into the ground.,我们首先把桩打入地里。

13、, 7.挖掘 [T] ,The farmers drove wells to water the crops.,农民打井灌溉庄稼。

14、, 8.开车 [I] ,The accident was a salutary experience. I'll never drink and drive again.,那次意外是个有益的教训,我再也不酒后驾车了。

15、, 9.(风、雨)狂吹猛打;疾驰 [I] ,The rain was driving in our faces.,雨扑面打来。

16、, 二、词义辨析:哪些词汇能表示驱使的意思 , motivate, drive, prompt ,这些动词均含“促使,驱使”之意。
