导读 LOL12.11版本有哪些改动 LOL12.11版本改动介绍 LOL12.11版本主要是削弱了外塔的伤害,12.10版本外塔伤害太高,进行微微回

LOL12.11版本有哪些改动 LOL12.11版本改动介绍


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LOL10.3版本英雄改动汇总 LOL10.3版本改动有哪些


离群之刺 阿卡丽

Q cost increased. W shroud movement speed increased and now decays. R now targets champions, not direction.

As promised, we've done some major work on Akali that's going live this patch. These changes are the result of her presence in pro play and aim to trim power there more than for every day players. With that in mind, one of the biggest issues we wanted to tackle was the sheer number of options she had when approaching fights or surviving bad situations. She was way too flexible, being able to split push and teamfight, while also not being committed to a specific playstyle (early domination, scaling, etc.).

Q 我流奥义!寒影

消耗: 100/95/90/85/80能量 → 120/115/110/105/100能量

W 我流奥义!霞阵

烟幕中的移动速度: 20/25/30/35/40%移动速度 → 施放后在2秒内衰减的30/35/40/45/50%移动速度

R 我流秘奥义!表里杀缭乱

R1目标: 目标方向 → 以敌方英雄为目标



残月之肃 厄斐琉斯

Q marked enemy attack range no longer infinite.

Giving Aphelios some limitations so he's not shooting enemies all the way to the moon.

Q 月闪(通碧,狙击枪)

攻击被标记敌人射程: 无限 → 1800

沙漠皇帝 阿兹尔

Base mana increased. R number of soldiers increased.

The emperor has seen better days but has the risk of power-tripping, so we're cautiously buffing him.


法力值: 438 → 480

R 禁军之墙

人墙长度: 5/6/7个士兵 → 6/7/8个士兵

英勇投弹手 库奇

W damage per second ratio increased; burn duration increased; now slows.

We want Corki's Special Delivery to be used more aggressively towards enemies, so we're helping incentivize that action.

W 特别快递

每秒伤害加成: 0.375额外攻击力,0.05法术强度 → 0.5额外攻击力,0.06法术强度

燃烧持续时间: 1秒 → 1.5秒


皎月女神 黛安娜

Base mana decreased. W damage per orb decreased.

Mercury's in retrograde and that means nerfs to Diana.


法力值: 420 → 375

W 苍白之瀑

每颗法球伤害: 22/34/46/58/70 → 18/30/42/54/66


Passive monster stack damage decreased.

Specifically hitting jungle Ekko. Spoiler alert, we also have some jungle changes that'll give back some XP to junglers earlier in the game.

被动 Z型驱动共振

共振层数伤害: 对野怪200% → 对野怪150%

探险家 伊泽瑞尔

Base mana growth and AS growth increased.

MF outdated. Aphelios overrated. Long have you waited. No longer jebaited.


成长法力值: 42 → 50

成长攻击速度: 1.5% → 2.5%

正义巨像 加里奥

Q tornado duration and damage ticks increased.

Aiming to help out Galio players in normal skilled games who get more from the tornado element of his Q.

Q 战争罡风

龙卷风持续时间: 1.5秒 → 2秒

龙卷风伤害次数: 3 → 4

曙光女神 蕾欧娜

W and E damage decreased.

Leona's damage is eclipsing her opponents' HP bars too much.

W 日蚀

伤害: 60/100/140/180/220 → 60/95/130/165/200

E 天顶之刃

伤害: 60/100/140/180/220 → 50/90/130/170/210

赏金猎人 厄运小姐

Base attack speed growth decreased.

Miss Fortune is doing well in all skill brackets, so we’re hitting her base stats instead of abilities that certain players utilize better than others.


成长攻击速度: 3% → 2.25%

机械公敌 兰博

Base stats rounded. W bonus movement speed and shield decreased.

Cleaning up some stats to nice, clean whole numbers and pulling power out of his W defenses so he's not such a terror in the mid lane.


护甲: 30.88 → 31

攻击速度: 61.036 → 61

W 破碎护盾

额外移动速度: 20/25/30/35/40%(危险温度时30/37.5/45/52.5/60%) → 15/20/25/30/35%(危险温度时22.5/30/37.5/45/52.5%)

北地之怒 瑟庄妮

Now has bonus AS at level 1. Frost Armor now removed when damaged from all monsters and champions.

Cautiously buffing Sejuani. We're also removing some elements to her passive that feel unintuitive for most players and aren't capitalized on. If we proactively remove it now, we'll have more room to buff her in the future since pro players won't exploit the safety it brings.


额外攻击速度: 1级时0% → 1级时10%

被动 北地之怒

冰霜护甲移除: 受到来自史诗级野怪和敌方英雄的伤害时 → 受到来自所有野怪和敌方英雄的伤害时

涤魂圣枪 赛娜

Mist Wraith drop chance adjusted. Spoils of War now counts as kills, reducing drop Mist Wraith drop chance. E bugfix.

While we love Senna's flexibility as both a marksman and support, she's a little too strong as the former. We're adjusting the Mist Wraith drop chances to support her role as a support (say that 5 times fast).

被动 赦除

黑雾掉落几率: 不是被赛娜击杀的小兵20%,被赛娜击杀的炮车兵100% → 不是被赛娜击杀的小兵25%,被赛娜击杀的炮车兵1.67%

E 黑雾咒附

BUG修复:如果赛娜在技能持续时间内被击杀,被[E 黑雾咒附]伪装的友军不再变得不可见

腕豪 瑟提

Base health regen decreased. W cooldown increased; base damage decreased later.

Sett's been breaking some faces with ease. While stylish, he's not really getting put to the test. We're gonna give him the ol' 1-2 of nerfs, with a focus on making his Haymaker a challenge to get multiple rotations in a fight.


生命值回复: 9.25 → 8

W 蓄意轰拳

冷却时间: 16/14/12/10/8秒 → 18/16.5/15/13.5/12秒

基础伤害: 90/125/160/195/230 → 90/120/150/180/210

琴瑟仙女 娑娜

E self movement speed decreased.

Nobody puts baby girl in the corner…

Actual context: Sona's new kicks have been showing off all over town. Pulling back a bit since she's slightly too fly. Unzoom zoom.

E 迅捷鸣奏曲

自身移动速度: 25%(每100法术强度+0.04) → 20%(每100法术强度+0.03)

魔法猫咪 悠米

Q empowered damage decreased and now considers target's health; cost now flat. W no longer goes on cooldown from Silences. E base heal decreased, but ratio increased.

o longer just a healbot (cats can't be trained to heel anyways). Her Q should be more worthwhile to cast even in the mid-late game.

Q 摸鱼飞弹

强化伤害: 50/95/140/185/230/275(+0.4法术强度) → 45/80/115/150/185/220(+0.4法术强度)(+0.02-0.08目标当前生命值)

消耗: 85/90/95/100/105/110法力值 → 全等级90法力值

W 悠米出动!

[新增]:沉默不再视作定身效果并使[W 悠米出动!]进入5秒的冷却时间

E 旺盛精力

治疗: 70/110/150/190/230(+0.3法术强度) → 70/94/118/142/166/190(+0.4法术强度)


After the 2019 preseason jungle changes, we nerfed junglers through their EXP gain (they’re gaining around 40 EXP less per minute). As a result, we’re giving back around half the EXP we took out and pushing that into the jungler’s item specifically, so laners can’t co-opt it. Additionally, we’re making sure Krugs feel more worthwhile to kill, while still requiring the intended time for the reward trade-off. Finally, we are looking to address “the funnel strategy” by tightening the minion gold restriction further.

唯一被动 怪物猎手

大型野怪经验: 50 → 60

第一次击杀大型野怪额外经验: 165 → 150

小兵金币惩罚: 当补刀金币超过一半来自小兵时,小兵金币减10;这个惩罚会在打野道具完成时移除 → 当补刀金币超过一半来自小兵时,小兵金币减13;这个惩罚会在14分钟时移除


石甲虫营地总经验: 160 → 175

石甲虫营地总金币: 125金币 → 135金币

大型石甲虫基础经验: 55 → 37

中型石甲虫基础经验: 15 → 18

小型石甲虫基础经验: 10 → 14

大型石甲虫基础金币: 65金币 → 42金币

中型石甲虫基础金币: 10金币 → 13金币

小型石甲虫基础金币: 5金币 → 9金币


基础经验: 115 → 110


4级: 1.025倍 → 1.075倍

5-6级: 1.1倍 → 1.15倍


+ 未翻译 ...



[风暴之怒 迦娜]: 承受伤害+10%&护盾-8% → 承受伤害+10%&护盾-10%&治疗-10%

[扭曲树精 茂凯]: 输出伤害-12%&承受伤害+12% → 输出伤害-15%&承受伤害+12%

[唤潮鲛姬 娜美]: 承受伤害+5% → 承受伤害+5%&治疗-10%

[炼金术士 辛吉德]: 无改动 → 输出伤害-5%

[解脱者 塞拉斯]: 输出伤害+5% → 无改动

[迅捷斥候 提莫]: 输出伤害-12% → 输出伤害-10%&承受伤害+5%

[巨魔之王 特朗德尔]: 无改动 → 治疗-10%

[爆破鬼才 吉格斯]: 输出伤害-15%&承受伤害+8% → 输出伤害-15%&承受伤害+10%


[暗裔剑魔 亚托克斯]: 无改动 → 承受伤害-5%

[沙漠皇帝 阿兹尔]: 输出伤害+5% → 输出伤害+10%

[星界游神 巴德]: 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-15%

[蜘蛛女皇 伊莉丝]: 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-10%

[痛苦之拥 伊芙琳]: 输出伤害+15%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+15%&承受伤害-15%

[武器大师 贾克斯]: 无改动 → 承受伤害-5%

[虚空行者 卡萨丁]: 无改动 → 承受伤害-10%

[诡术妖姬 乐芙兰]: 输出伤害+12%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+15%&承受伤害-15%

[曙光女神 蕾欧娜]: 承受伤害+5% → 无改动

[圣锤之毅 波比]: 无改动 → 承受伤害-5%

[元素女皇 奇亚娜]: 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-8% → 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10%

[蛮族之王 泰达米尔]: 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10%

[无畏战车 厄加特]: 输出伤害-5% → 无改动


减小了[黑夜使者 李青 至臻]某几个动作时模型脖子的拉伸(空闲1、空闲2和奔跑)


当杰斯有云端亚龙增益时,他的[R 墨丘利之炮/墨丘利之锤]的冷却时间现在会正确地减少10%


布隆的[被动 震荡猛击]的眩晕持续时间现在会正确地被韧性减少

如果瑟提尚未习得[W 蓄意轰拳],俄洛伊的[E 灵魂试炼]现在会正确地挤出他的躯壳

PROJECT: Jinx's SFX are no longer louder than her other skins' SFX

当莫德凯撒释放[R 轮回绝境]时,瑟提的[R 叹为观止]不再能压制他

Guardian of the Sands Rengar's Passive - Unseen Predator and R - The Thrill of the Hunt's range indicators no longer pulsate in a way that makes their sizes change intermittently

当悠米使用[W 悠米出动!]跳向正由于基兰的[R 时光倒流]复活的莫德凯撒时,她不再被卡在友方莫德凯撒的[R 轮回绝境]里

拉克丝的[E 透光奇点]不再揭示其范围外的区域


卡特琳娜的[被动 贪婪]的匕首每击中一个单位不再叠加两层[征服者];现在会正确地在施法时获得两层[征服者]

卡特琳娜施放[E 瞬步]后不再尝试对最后的目标进行普通攻击,除非目标已经在攻击范围内

当目标传送走时,盖伦的[Q 致命打击]不再取消


英雄的攻击附加型技能现在会正确地增加来自装备和符文的[唯一被动 盈能]的能量层数

带有双重打击的英雄现在会正确地获得两次攻击所能获得的[唯一被动 盈能]的能量层数


被提莫的[Q 致盲吹 箭]致盲的英雄现在会正确地无法对目标造成暴击或强化伤害

现在,莫德凯撒的[被动 黑暗起兮]会在生效时正确地对敌人造成伤害

