导读 今天小篇来给大家分享一些关于盖世英雄王力宏女声方面的知识吧,希望大家会喜欢哦 1、嘿吼(完美的互动)and now f


1、嘿吼(完美的互动)and now for the moment what you waiting forin the right cornerthis lim jeong heeand in the blue corner mr rainnow bju am see what's your namewang leehomlets go我想快速地解冻热情全部都充公这一刻越战越勇快跟我一快起哄要感受棋逢对手管他英雄不英雄水土不服言语不通也要完美的互动这一次见面照我的规矩千万别安静你没兴趣我不相信我听不见你却能感受你的压抑come on everybody give me song to dance for(leehom:) hey~(hey~) ho~(ho~)给我大声地说我爱你给我大声地说sa-lang-hey~(rain:) hey~(hey~) ho~(ho~)(oh yeah here comes round 2now u rain what u gonna say)...(rain的韩语+英语)...yo这一次见面照我的规矩(林正熙lim jeong hee)hi~(what) listen to what i saydon't beg for nothing important......(lim jeong hee的韩语 英文)......(合) hey~(hey~) ho~(ho~)hey~(hey~) ho~(ho~)thank you all so muchtake a moment for some shadowsits joined with ...homeboy productionsjyp sonybmg rain lim jeong hee----这首歌也名叫完美互动 和韩国的雨合唱的。
