导读 关于英译汉有道翻译,英汉互译有道在线翻译句子这个很多人还不知道,今天小天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让



1、寄卡片送卡片短语send cards送卡片They Send Greeting Cards他们会寄贺卡Send Out Cards on突然想起的People Send Christmas Cards人们寄圣诞贺卡Send Greeting Cards送贺卡等We Send Christmas Cards我们寄圣诞卡Send Christmas Cards寄圣诞节圣诞卡send Christmas cards to sb送给send christmas cards and gifts兴趣和爱好Send Them Birthday Cards寄生日卡片If a dog is injured or sick they like to send cards to each other.它们受伤或生病的时候,喜欢互送卡片表示慰问。

2、This may continue for days or weeks following the loss as friends and family bring food, send cards, or stop by to visit.随着一些朋友或家人来访,带着食物来看望,送一些卡片,这些通常都会持续几天或者一段时间。

3、Card makers are rolling out designs that enable people to send cards from their pets to commemorate nearly every occasion that humans do.贺卡生产商正推出各种各样的设计,让人们能帮宠物在每个人类的节日送出祝福的卡片。

4、soon they maybe read in all parts of the worldEveryone is beautiful in their own way.That's what makes us unique.You may not see that,but the person who truly loves you will.。
