导读 怎么设置电子邮箱。 工具/原料:装有qq软件的联网计算机一台 52you邮箱(52you邮箱更改密码) 以设置qq邮箱微信,操作步













1.How much is this T-shirt? Seven dollars.

2.How much are these socks? They cost 2 dollars.

3.May I help you?

4.Yes, please. I want a sweater

5.Here you are

6.I want to buy it

7.To buy your clothes in it Huaxing big sale.

8.We have good bags to only sell for 12 yuan

9.To the girl, we have red green and white T-shirts to only sell for 18 yuan

10.Anyone can afford our price

11.Huaxing clothing store to look at it

12.Yellow shorts only sell for 30 dollars. And green shorts are dumping and only selling for 25 dollars.

13.When is your birthday? My birthday is on October 10

14.Basketball match

15.Speaking competition of English

16.David's birthday party

17.The school travels

18.Volleyball match

19.School day

20.Music Day

21.English has a get-together

22.There is the day of a school in your school?

23.Do you have a art festival?

24.Do you want to go to the cinema?

25.I want to see an actioner

26.I like the horror film and I like the actioner

27.I like the horror film but not like the comedy

28.Does he want to go to the cinema? Yes, he thinks

29.What kind of film do you like? I like actioner and comedy

30.My favorite performer is A

31.He must really like black September of his film very much

32.It is a very interesting comedy

33.An interesting thing: Mike is an Englishman, but he likes Beijing opera

34.He often goes to watch Beijing opera on weekend

35.It is Shaolin Temple

36.Li Lianjie is in this film

37.Can you dance? Yes, I can

38.Can you speak English? Yes, we can

39.You and the children get along well what?

40.We need it for our travel help of school of Bei Dai River

41.About and join us

42.Seek a musician on Music Day for the school

43.Are you a musician?

44.Then you can join in our Music Day of the school

45.I know Chinese Gonfu

46.What will you do?

47.About and show to us

48.I want to join the artistic club

49.Can I know your name?

50.What is your family name?

51.I want to study about painting

52.Do you have an E-mail address?

53.These what a interesting time have breakfast

54.Can you guess what job he is?

55.People like listening to him

56.Public car bring he in 7:15 get, work often

57.Art festival

58.The morning when you want to understand me?

59.Please write back quickly

60.The best blessing

61.What is your favorite subject? 62.What is her favorite subject?

63.Why do you like mathematics?

64.Who is your scientific teacher?

65.What is your mother's favorite color?

66.When do you have mathematics lessons?

67.I am really very busy

68.The music is relaxed

69.The last class of mine is at 2 o'clock

70.But his subject just runs here and there enclosing me

71.What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club. He sees the morning news

72.Please write a letter and tell me your morning

73.This to have a China friend while being very much excited

74.Please write a letter and tell me about your Chinese life

75.My favorite subject is mathematics

76.His favorite subject is sports

77.Because it is interesting

78.My scientific teacher is Mr. Wang

79.Her favorite color is blue

80.I, on Monday. Three. Have mathematics lessons five times

81.It is difficult but interesting

82.Then I have a historical club of China

83.I only like the basketball

84.Do not you like going to school?


1这件体恤衫多少钱?七美元。 how much is the shirt? 7 dollars.

2这些袜子多少钱?它们2美元。 how much are those Socks? they are 2 dollars.

3我能帮助你吗? can i help you ?

4是的,请。我想要一件毛衣 yes,please.i want a Sweater.

5给你 here you are.

6我要买它 i will buy it.

7来买你的衣服在华兴大甩卖吧。come to buy your coat ,Huaxing in the big sale.

8我们有好包只卖12元,we have good bags,they are worth 12yuan.


to girls ,we habe gree and wirte shirts,worth 18yuan.

10任何人都能付起我们的价格 every one can pay the price.

11到华兴服装店看一看吧 to have a look at Huaxing clothing store


Yellow shorts only sell 30 dollars. Green shorts in the sale and only sell 25 dollars.


When is your birthday? my birthday is October 10th.

14篮球比赛 Basketball Match

15英语演讲比赛 English Speech Competition

16大卫的生日聚会 David's birthday party

17学校旅游 School travel

19学校日 School Day

21英语聚会 English party

22你们学校有一个学校日么? is Your school has a school day?

23你有一个艺术节么? Do you have a festival day?

24你想去看电影吗? Do you want to go to the movies?

25我想看一部动作片 I'd like to see an action movie

26我喜欢恐怖片而且我喜欢动作片 I like horror film but I like action movies

27我喜欢恐怖片但不喜欢喜剧 I like horror film but I do not like comedy

28他想去看电影吗?是的,他想 would he like to see a movie? Yes, he would like to

29你喜欢什么种类的电影?我喜欢动作片和喜剧lwhat kind of film do you like? I like comedy and action films

30我最喜欢的演员是A My favorite actor is A

31他真得很喜欢他的电影黑色九月 He really liked his films very black September

32它是非常有趣的喜剧 It is a very interesting comedy

33一件有趣的事:麦克是一个英国人,但他喜欢京剧 One interesting thing: Mike is a British, but he likes opera

34他常常去看京剧在周末 He often look at the weekend in Beijing

35它是少林寺 It is the Shaolin Temple

36李连杰在这个电影里 Jet Li in this movie

37你会跳舞吗?是的,我会 can you dance ?yes ,i can

38你会说英语吗?是的,我们会 can you speake english? yes we can

39你和孩子们相处得好么? can You get along well witn children ?

40我们需要为我们的北戴河学校旅游帮助 We need to Beidaihe for our schools to help tourism

41来并且加入我们 Come and join us

42为学校音乐节寻求音乐家 Music Festival for schools to seek musicians

43你是一个音乐家么? are you a musician ?

44然后你就可以加入我们学校的音乐节 Then you can join our school's Music Festival

45我会中国功夫 I will be Chinese Kung Fu

46你会干什么?what can you do

47来并且展示给我们看 come and to demonstrate to us

48我想加入艺术俱乐部 I would like to join the clubs art

49我能知道你的名字么? can I know what is your name?

50你的姓是什么? What is your name?

51我想学习关于画画 i want to lear Painting

52你有一个电子邮箱吗? Do you have an e-mail ?

53这是一个多么有趣的时间吃早饭 This is an interesting time to eat breakfast

54你能猜出他是什么职业么? Can you guess what he's professional

55人们喜欢听他 People like to listen to him

56公共车经常带他在7:15到工作 Public vehicles often take him to work at 7:15

57艺术节 Arts Festival

58你想了解我的早晨吗? would you like to kown my morning

59请快回信 Please reply soon

60最好的祝福 the best wish

61你最喜欢的科目是什么? What is your favorite subject

62她最喜欢的科目是什么?what is Her favorite subject ?

63你为什么喜欢数学? why are you like math?

64谁是你们的科学老师? who is you science teacher

65你妈妈最喜欢的颜色是什么? what is Your mother's favorite color?

66你什么时候有数学课? When you have a math lesson

67我真的很忙 I am really very busy

68音乐是轻松的 Music is easy

69我的最后一节课在2点My last class in a 2:00

70但是他的科目只是围着我跑来跑去 But he's just around the subjects I run around


What do you want to join the club? We would like to join the chess club. He read the morning news

72请写信告诉我你的早晨 Please write to tell me your morning

73这是非常激动有一个中国朋友 This is very exciting to have a Chinese friend

74请写信告诉我关于你中国的生活 Please write to tell me about your life in China

75我最喜欢的科目是数学My favorite subject is math

76他最喜欢的科目是体育 His favorite subject is physical education

77因为它有趣 Because it is interesting

78我的科学老师是王老师 My science teacher is a teacher Wang

79她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色 Her favorite color is blue


81它是难的但是有趣 It is a difficult but interesting

82然后我有中国历史俱乐部 Then I have a club in the history of China

83我只喜欢篮球 I just like basketball

84难道你不喜欢上学么?why Don't you like to go to school?

1 How much is this T-shirt

It's seven dollars.

2 How much are these socks? They are 2 US.dollars.

3 Can/May I help you?

4 Yes, please. I'd like a sweater.

5 Here you are.

6 I'll take this.

7 Come and bay your clothes at Huaxing's great sale!

8 We have great bags for only $12!


For girls, we have T-shirts in red,green and white for only $18!


Anybody can afford our prices!


Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!


the yellow pants/shorts are only 30 dollars and the green pants are on sale for just 25 dollars!



1 how much does this take pity on Shan?USD 7.

How much are 2 se socks?They are USD 2.

Do 3 my abilities help you?

4 please yes.I want a sweater

5 give you

6 I want to buy it

7 is big to jilt to sell in the Hua interest to the clothes bought you.

8 we have good pack sell 12 dollars

9 rightness girl, we be red and green with white of take pity on Shan to sell 18 dollars

10 anyone all the ability start to pay our prices

11 arrive Hua an interest a clothing store to have a look

12 Huang shorts sell USD 30.And the green shorts be jilt to sell to sell USD 25.

13 the birthday when being you?My birthday in October ten day

14 basketball game

15 English speech contest

16 David's birthday party

17 school tour

18 volleyball game

19 school day

20 music stanza

21 English party

Do 22 your schools have a school day Yao?

23 do you have an art stanza Yao?

24 do you want to go to the movie?

25 I want to see an action movie

26 I like a terror slice and I like an action movie

27 I like a terror slice but don't like comedy

28 does he want to go to the movie?Yes, he think

29 what category of movie do you like?I like action movie and comedy

30 I like most of the actor be an A

31 he be true and have to like his movie black very much September

32 it be a very interesting comedy

33 an interesting matter:Michael is a British, but he like a city play

34 he usually see a city play over the weekend

35 it be little Lin2 Si4

36 Li3 Lian2 Jie2s are in this movie inside

37 would you dance?Yes, my meeting

38 would you speak English?Yes, our meeting

39 you get along with children good Yao?

40 our demands is the school tour of our Beidaihes help

41 come and join us

42 pursue studies music stanza in the school to look for musician

43 be you a musician Yao?

44 then you can join the music stanza of our school

45 I would effort in China

46 you would stem what?

47 come and the demonstration see to us

48 I want to join art club

49 my abilities know you of name Yao?

50 you of what be the surname ?

51 I want to study concerning paint

52 do you have an electronics mailbox?

53 this is to have breakfast for a how interesting time

54 your abilities figure out him is what occupation Yao?

55 people like to listen to him

56 public cars usually take him at 7:15 arrive a work

57 art stanza

58 do you want to understand my morning?

59 please a quick letter in reply

60 best of wish

61 you like most of what be the category ?

62 she like most of what be the category ?

63 why do you like mathematics?

64 who is your sciences teacher?

What is the color that 65 your mothers like most ?

66 do you when have mathematics lesson?

67 I really favour

68 musics are easy

69 my last section lesson at 2:00

70 but his category just round me to run about

71 what club do you want to join?We want to join chess club.He read early news

72 please the morning writing a letter to tell me you

73 this is the concussion to have one inside country friend very much

74 please write a letter to tell my concerning your China of life

75 I like most of the category be mathematics

76 he like most of the category be an athletics

77 interesting because of it

78 my science the teacher be teacher Wang2

79 she like most of the color be a blue

80 I on Monday.Three.Five have mathematics lesson

81 it be difficult but interesting

82 then I have China the history club

83 I like a basketball

84 don't you like the Yao of go to school?

1, this T-shirt How much? 7 U.S. dollars.

2 How much of these socks? They 2 U.S. dollars.

3, Can I help you?

4 Yes, please. I'd like a sweater

5 to you

6 I want to buy it

7 to buy your clothes in it Huaxing big sale.

8 We have a good package and would only sell 12 yuan

9 girls, we have the red and green and white T-shirt sold 18 yuan

10, anyone will be able to pay our prices

11 clothing store to look at it Huaxing

12 yellow shorts only sell 30 U.S. dollars. Green shorts in the sale and only sell 25 U.S. dollars.

13 When is your birthday? In my birthday on October 10

14 basketball tournament

15 English Speech Competition

16, David's birthday party

17 school travel

18 Volleyball

19 school days

20 Music Festival

21 gathering of English

22 schools you have a school on it?

23 Do you have a festival you?

24 go to the movies you want to do?

25 I want to see an action movie

26 I like horror film but I like action movies

27 I like horror film but I do not like comedy

28, he would like to see a movie? Yes, he would like to

29 Do you like what kind of film? I like comedy and action films

30 My favorite actor is A

31, he made his film like Black September

32 It is a very interesting comedy

33, an interesting thing: Mike is a British, but he likes opera

34, he often look at the weekend in Beijing

It is the Shaolin Temple 35

36 Jet Li in this movie

37, you will dance? Yes, I will

38 do you speak English? Yes, we will

39 and your children get along well what?

40 We need to Beidaihe for our schools to help tourism

41 and to join us

42 schools for musicians to find music festival

43, you are a musician you?

44, and then you can join our school's Music Festival

I will be 45 Chinese Kung Fu

46, you will do?

47, and to demonstrate to us

48 I would like to join the Arts Club

49 I know what your name?

50 What is your name?

51 I would like to learn about painting

52 Do you have an e-mail it?

53 interesting how this is a time to eat breakfast

54 Can you guess what he is a professional what?

55 People like to listen to him

56 public vehicles often take him to work at 7:15

57 Arts Festival

58 I know you want to do in the morning?

59 Please reply soon

60 best wishes

61 What is your favorite subject, what is?

62 of her favorite subjects, what is it?

63 Why do you like mathematics?

64 Who is your science teacher?

65 of your mother's favorite color is what?

66 When you have a math class?

I am really very busy 67

68 music is easy

69 of my class in the last 2:00

70, but his subjects around, I just run around

71 What you want to join the club? We would like to join the chess club. He read the morning news

72, please write to tell me your morning

73 This is very exciting to have a Chinese friend

74, please write to tell me about your life in China

75 of my favorite subjects are math

76 his favorite subject is physical education

77 interesting because it

78 is my science teacher Wang

79, her favorite color is blue

I am 80 in Monday. Three. There are five mathematical lessons

81 It is difficult but interesting

82, and then I have a club in the history of China

I only like 83 basketball

84 Are you do not like you go to school?

1 T-shirt this matter how much money? 7 U.S. dollars.

2 how much money these socks? Their two U.S. dollars.

3 I can help you?

4 Yes, please. I want a sweater

5 to you

6 I want to buy it

7 to buy your clothes in it Huaxing big sale.

8 we have a good package just by selling 12 yuan

9 pairs of girls, we have the red and green and white T-shirt sold 18 per

10, anyone can pay the price of our

11 to take a look at your clothing store Huaxing

12 yellow shorts sold 30 U.S. dollars. And green shorts in the sale sold 25 U.S. dollars.

13 When is your birthday? My birthday on October 10

14 basketball game

15 English Speech Competition

16 David's birthday party

17 schools tourism

18 Volleyball

19 school days

20 Music Festival

21 English gathering

22, your school has a school on it?

23 Do you have a festival么?

24 Do you want to see a movie?

25 I'd like to see an action movie

26 I like horror movies but I like action movies

27 I like horror film but I do not like comedy

28 He would like to see a movie? Yes, he would like to

29 Do you like what kind of film? I like action movies and comedies

30 My favorite actor is A

31 He really liked his film Black September

32 It is a very interesting comedy

33 an interesting thing: Mike is an Englishman, but he likes opera

34 He often look at the opera over the weekend

35 It is the Shaolin Temple

36 Jet Li in this movie

37 you will dance? Yes, I will

38 you would say that English? Yes, we will

39 you and the kids get along well么?

40 We need to Beidaihe for our schools to help tourism

41 come and join us

42 Music Festival for schools to seek musicians

43 Mody you are a musician?

44 and then you can join our school music festival

45 I will be Chinese kung fu

46 you will do?

47 years and demonstrate to us

48 I would like to join the Arts Club

49 I can know what your name?

50 What is your surname?

51 I would like to learn about painting

52 Do you have an e-mail it?

53 This is a fun time to eat breakfast

54 Can you guess what career he is it?

55 People like to listen to him

56 public vehicles often take him to work at 7:15

57 Arts Festival

58 you want to understand my morning it?

59 Please reply soon

60 best wishes

61 of your favorite subjects that?

62 of her favorite subjects is what?

63 Why do you like math?

64 Who is your science teacher?

65 your mom's favorite color is what?

66 When did you have a math class?

67 I am really busy

68 music is easy

69 of my last lesson in a 2:00

70 subjects but he just ran around my

71 What do you want to join the club? We would like to join the chess club. He saw Morning News

72 Please write to tell me your morning

73 This is very exciting to have a Chinese friend

74 Please write to tell me about your life in China

75 my favorite subject is math

76 of his favorite subjects are sports

77 because it is interesting

78 of my science teacher was Wang

79 of her favorite color is blue

80 I am Monday. III. Five mathematics classes

81 It is interesting but difficult

82 and then I have the history of China Club

83 I just like basketball

84 Are you do not like you go to school?

快1, this T-shirt How much? 7 U.S. dollars.

2 How much of these socks? Them to 2 U.S. dollars.

3, Can I help you?

4 Yes, please. I'd like a sweater

5 to you

6 I want to buy it

7 to buy your clothes in it Huaxing big sale.

8 We have a good package and would only sell 12 yuan

9 girls, we have the red and green and white T-shirt sold 18 yuan

10, anyone will be able to pay our prices

11 clothing store to look at it Huaxing

12 yellow shorts only sell 30 U.S. dollars. Green shorts in the sale and only sell 25 U.S. dollars.

13 When is your birthday? My birthday on October 10

14 basketball tournament

15 English Speech Competition

16, David's birthday party

17 school travel

18 Volleyball

19 school days

20 Music Festival

21 gathering of English

22 schools you have a school on it?

23 Do you have a festival you?

24 go to the movies you want to do?

25 I want to see an action movie

26 I like horror film but I like action movies

27 I like horror film but I do not like comedy

28, he would like to go to the movies? Yes, he would like to

29 Do you like what kind of movie? I like comedy and action films

30 My favorite actor is A

31, he made his film like Black September

32 It is a very interesting comedy

33, an interesting thing: Mike is a British, but he likes opera

34, he often look at the weekend in Beijing

It is the Shaolin Temple 35

36 Jet Li in this movie

37, you will dance? Yes, I will

38, you speak English? Yes, we will

39 and your children get along well what?

40 We need to Beidaihe for our schools to help tourism

41 and to join us

42 schools for musicians to find music festival

43, you are a musician you?

44, and then you can join our school's Music Festival

I will be 45 Chinese Kung Fu

46, you will do?

47, and to demonstrate to us

48 I would like to join the Arts Club

49 I know what your name?

50 What is your name?

51 I would like to learn about painting

52 Do you have an e-mail it?

53 interesting how this is a time to eat breakfast

54 Can you guess what he is a professional what?

55 People like to listen to him

56 public vehicles often take him to work at 7:15

57 Arts Festival

58 I know you want to do in the morning?

59 Please reply soon

60 best wishes

61 What is your favorite subject, what is?

62 of her favorite subjects, what is it?

63 Why do you like mathematics?

64 Who is your science teacher?

65 of your mother's favorite color is what?

66 When you have a math class?

I am really very busy 67

68 music is easy

69 of my class in the last 2:00

70, but his subjects around, I just run around

71 What you want to join the club? We would like to join the chess club. He read the morning news

72, please write to tell me your morning

73 This is very exciting to have a Chinese friend

74, please write to tell me about your life in China

75 of my favorite subjects are math

76 his favorite subject is physical education

77 interesting because it

78 is my science teacher Wang

79, her favorite color is blue

I am 80 in Monday. Three. There are five mathematical lessons

81 It is difficult but interesting

82, and then I have a club in the history of China

I only like 83 basketball

84 Are you do not like you go to schoo

1, this T-shirt How much? 7 U.S. dollars.

2 How much of these socks? Them to 2 U.S. dollars.

3, Can I help you?

4 Yes, please. I'd like a sweater

5 to you

6 I want to buy it

7 to buy your clothes in it Huaxing big sale.

8 We have a good package and would only sell 12 yuan

9 girls, we have the red and green and white T-shirt sold 18 yuan

10, anyone will be able to pay our prices

11 clothing store to look at it Huaxing

12 yellow shorts only sell 30 U.S. dollars. Green shorts in the sale and only sell 25 U.S. dollars.

13 When is your birthday? My birthday on October 10

14 basketball tournament

15 English Speech Competition

16, David's birthday party

17 school travel

18 Volleyball

19 school days

20 Music Festival

21 gathering of English

22 schools you have a school on it?

23 Do you have a festival you?

24 go to the movies you want to do?

25 I want to see an action movie

26 I like horror film but I like action movies

27 I like horror film but I do not like comedy

28, he would like to go to the movies? Yes, he would like to

29 Do you like what kind of movie? I like comedy and action films

30 My favorite actor is A

31, he made his film like Black September

32 It is a very interesting comedy

33, an interesting thing: Mike is a British, but he likes opera

34, he often look at the weekend in Beijing

It is the Shaolin Temple 35

36 Jet Li in this movie

37, you will dance? Yes, I will

38, you speak English? Yes, we will

39 and your children get along well what?

40 We need to Beidaihe for our schools to help tourism

41 and to join us

42 schools for musicians to find music festival

43, you are a musician you?

44, and then you can join our school's Music Festival

I will be 45 Chinese Kung Fu

46, you will do?

47, and to demonstrate to us

48 I would like to join the Arts Club

49 I know what your name?

50 What is your name?

51 I would like to learn about painting

52 Do you have an e-mail it?

53 interesting how this is a time to eat breakfast

54 Can you guess what he is a professional what?

55 People like to listen to him

56 public vehicles often take him to work at 7:15

57 Arts Festival

58 I know you want to do in the morning?

59 Please reply soon

60 best wishes

61 What is your favorite subject, what is?

62 of her favorite subjects, what is it?

63 Why do you like mathematics?

64 Who is your science teacher?

65 of your mother's favorite color is what?

66 When you have a math class?

I am really very busy 67

68 music is easy

69 of my class in the last 2:00

70, but his subjects around, I just run around

71 What you want to join the club? We would like to join the chess club. He read the morning news

72, please write to tell me your morning

73 This is very exciting to have a Chinese friend

74, please write to tell me about your life in China

75 of my favorite subjects are math

76 his favorite subject is physical education

77 interesting because it

78 is my science teacher Wang

79, her favorite color is blue

I am 80 in Monday. Three. There are five mathematical lessons

81 It is difficult but interesting

82, and then I have a club in the history of China

I only like 83 basketball

84 Are you do not like you go to school

这么多啊,楼主直接看我的答案,绝对标准,因为 我刚刚教我侄子温习完整个初一人教版,新目标的教材~~~~~~


1这件体恤衫多少钱?七美元。 how much is the shirt? It's 7 dollars.

2这些袜子多少钱?它们2美元。 how much are these Socks? they are 2 dollars.

3我能帮助你吗? can i help you ?

4是的,请。我想要一件毛衣 yes,please.i want a Sweater.

5给你 here you are.

6我要买它 i will take it.

7来买你的衣服在华兴大甩卖吧。come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's gre啊t sale!

8我们有好包只卖12元,we have great bags for only 12 yuan.


For girls ,we hve T-shirts in red and white for only 18 yuan.

10任何人都能付起我们的价格 Anybody can afford our prices.

11到华兴服装店看一看吧 come and see for yourself at Huaxing clothes store


the yellow shorts are only 30 dollars,and the green shorts are on sale for 25 dollars.


When is your birthday? my birthday is October 10th.

14篮球比赛 Basketball game

15英语演讲比赛 English Speech contest

16大卫的生日聚会 David's birthday party

17学校旅游 School trip

19学校日 School Day

21英语聚会 English party

22你们学校有一个学校日么? does your school have a school day?

23你有一个艺术节么? Do you have an art festival ?

24你想去看电影吗? Do you want to go to the movies?

25我想看一部动作片 I want to see an action movie

26我喜欢恐怖片而且我喜欢动作片 I like thrillers and I like action movies

27我喜欢恐怖片但不喜欢喜剧 I like thrillers but I don't like comedies.

28他想去看电影吗?是的,他想 does he want to go to a movie? Yes, he does.

29你喜欢什么种类的电影?我喜欢动作片和喜剧 what kind of movies do you like? I like comedies and action movies

30我最喜欢的演员是A My favorite actor is A

31他真得很喜欢他的电影黑色九月 He really likes his movie black September

32它是非常有趣的喜剧 It is a very interesting comedy

33一件有趣的事:麦克是一个英国人,但他喜欢京剧 One interesting thing: Mike is a English, but he likes Beijing opera

34他常常去看京剧在周末 He often go to see Beijing opera on weekends

35它是少林寺 It is the Shaolin Temple

36李连杰在这个电影里 Jet Li in this movie

37你会跳舞吗?是的,我会 can you dance ?yes ,i can

38你会说英语吗?是的,我们会 can you speake English? yes, we can

39你和孩子们相处得好么?Are you good with kids?

40我们需要为我们的北戴河学校旅游帮助 We need help for our Beidaihe school trip.

41来并且加入我们 Come and join us

42为学校音乐节寻求音乐家 Musicians wanted for school music Festival

43你是一个音乐家么? are you a musician ?

44然后你就可以加入我们学校的音乐节 Then you can can be in our school Music Festival

45我会中国功夫 I can do Chinese Kung Fu

46你会干什么?what can you do

47来并且展示给我们看 come and show us

48我想加入艺术俱乐部 I want to join the art club

49我能知道你的名字么? May I know your name?

50你的姓是什么? What is your family/last name?

51我想学习关于画画 i want to lear about Painting

52你有一个电子邮箱吗? Do you have an e-mail ?

53这是一个多么有趣的时间吃早饭 what a funny time to eat breakfast

54你能猜出他是什么职业么? Can you think what his job is?

55人们喜欢听他 People love to listen to him

56公共车经常带他在7:15到工作 the bus usually takes him to work at 7:15

57艺术节 Arts Festival

58你想了解我的早晨吗? do you want to know about my morning ?

59请快回信 Please write soon

60最好的祝福 best wishes

61你最喜欢的科目是什么? What is your favorite subject

62她最喜欢的科目是什么?what is Her favorite subject ?

63你为什么喜欢数学? why do you like math?

64谁是你们的科学老师? who is your science teacher ?

65你妈妈最喜欢的颜色是什么? what is Your mother's favorite color?

66你什么时候有数学课? When do you have math?

67我真的很忙 I am really busy .

68音乐是轻松的 Music is relaxing.

69我的最后一节课在2点My last class is at 2:00

70但是他的科目只是围着我跑来跑去 But his "subject" is only running around with me.


What club do you want to join ? We want to join the chess club. He watches the morning tv.

72请写信告诉我你的早晨 Please write and tell me about your morning

73这是非常激动有一个中国朋友 it is very exciting to have a Chinese friend

74请写信告诉我关于你中国的生活 Please write and tell me about your life in China

75我最喜欢的科目是数学My favorite subject is math

76他最喜欢的科目是体育 His favorite subject is PE

77因为它有趣 Because it is interesting/fun.

78我的科学老师是王老师 My science teacher is a Mr. Wang

79她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色 Her favorite color is blue

80我在周一.三.五有数学课 i have math on monday,wednesday and Friday.

81它是难的但是有趣 It is difficult but interesting

82然后我有中国历史俱乐部 Then I have Chinesehistory club

83我只喜欢篮球 I only like basketball

84难道你不喜欢上学么?why don't you like to go to school?

1.How much is this T-shirt? Seven dollars.

2.How much are these socks? They cost 2 dollars.

3.May I help you?

4.Yes, please. I want a sweater

5.Here you are

6.I want to buy it

7.To buy your clothes in it Huaxing big sale.

8.We have good bags to only sell for 12 yuan

9.To the girl, we have red green and white T-shirts to only sell for 18 yuan

10.Anyone can afford our price

11.Huaxing clothing store to look at it

12.Yellow shorts only sell for 30 dollars. And green shorts are dumping and only selling for 25 dollars.

13.When is your birthday? My birthday is on October 10

14.Basketball match

15.Speaking competition of English

16.David's birthday party

17.The school travels

18.Volleyball match

19.School day

20.Music Day

21.English has a get-together

22.There is the day of a school in your school?

23.Do you have a art festival?

24.Do you want to go to the cinema?

25.I want to see an actioner

26.I like the horror film and I like the actioner

27.I like the horror film but not like the comedy

28.Does he want to go to the cinema? Yes, he thinks

29.What kind of film do you like? I like actioner and comedy

30.My favorite performer is A

31.He must really like black September of his film very much

32.It is a very interesting comedy

33.An interesting thing: Mike is an Englishman, but he likes Beijing opera

34.He often goes to watch Beijing opera on weekend

35.It is Shaolin Temple

36.Li Lianjie is in this film

37.Can you dance? Yes, I can

38.Can you speak English? Yes, we can

39.You and the children get along well what?

40.We need it for our travel help of school of Bei Dai River

41.About and join us

42.Seek a musician on Music Day for the school

43.Are you a musician?

44.Then you can join in our Music Day of the school

45.I know Chinese Gonfu

46.What will you do?

47.About and show to us

48.I want to join the artistic club

49.Can I know your name?

50.What is your family name?

51.I want to study about painting

52.Do you have an E-mail address?

53.These what a interesting time have breakfast

54.Can you guess what job he is?

55.People like listening to him

56.Public car bring he in 7:15 get, work often

57.Art festival

58.The morning when you want to understand me?

59.Please write back quickly

60.The best blessing

61.What is your favorite subject? 62.What is her favorite subject?

63.Why do you like mathematics?

64.Who is your scientific teacher?

65.What is your mother's favorite color?

66.When do you have mathematics lessons?

67.I am really very busy

68.The music is relaxed

69.The last class of mine is at 2 o'clock

70.But his subject just runs here and there enclosing me

71.What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club. He sees the morning news

72.Please write a letter and tell me your morning

73.This to have a China friend while being very much excited

74.Please write a letter and tell me about your Chinese life

75.My favorite subject is mathematics

76.His favorite subject is sports

77.Because it is interesting

78.My scientific teacher is Mr. Wang

79.Her favorite color is blue

80.I, on Monday. Three. Have mathematics lessons five times

81.It is difficult but interesting

82.Then I have a historical club of China

83.I only like the basketball

84.Do not you like going to school?



帮我把 我们结婚了的背景音乐发到邮箱 谢谢了



01. Pink Martini - Sympathique

- 第1、2集Andy部分背景音乐

02. Mocca - I Remember

- 第1集Ending Song

03. Linus's Blanket - Signal Waltz

- 第1集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


04. 金东建 - 就像一个孩子(feat. Alex)

- 第2集里Alex 为申爱唱的一首歌

05. 015B - 就第一次累吧 (Feat.Yozoh)

- 第2,5,6集Andy部分均出现过

06. Mocca - It's Over Now

- 第2集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

07. Heather Headley - If it wasn't for your love

- 第2集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

08. Rita Calypso - Paper Mache

- 第2集Ending Song


09. Mocca - Life Keeps on Turning

- 第3集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

10. ??(Yeongene) - Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

- 第3集Andy背着Solbi爬台球厅的楼梯片断

11. Loving Spooful - Do You Believe in Magic

- 第3集Andy,Solbi在台球厅里两人第一次BOBO片断

12. Laurel Music - Since You've Gone

- 第3集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


13. Crispy Rhodes - Crispy Paradise

- 第4集Andy买咖啡回来路上片断

14. 金钟旭 - 只有你

- 第4,5集均出现过

15. 张妍珠 - one sweet day (节目里出现的版本)

- 第4集Andy冒雨去买咖啡片断

16. Lyn - innisfree (Lyn的版本, 不是节目里的版本)

- 第4集Andy冒雨去买咖啡片断

17. maroon5 - Little of Your Time

- 第4集郑亨敦 Saori Couple部分背景音乐

18. Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter

- 第4,5集郑亨敦 Saori Couple部分背景音乐

19. Seeya - 结婚吗

- 第4集Ending Song


20. 成诗京 - 星期三的红玫瑰

- 第5集Alex和申爱在露台做泡菜时唱的歌,是一首80年代的老歌,很多人翻唱过,我选了成诗京的版本

21. Instant Romantic Floor - Luv Punch

- 第5集Crown J被仁英带到美容室做couple染发片断

22. ??? - 我的小猫

- 第5集亨敦和Saori做好泡菜一起品尝片断

23. Sweet sorrow - 因为有你在

- 第5集郑亨敦 Saori Couple部分背景音乐

24. 李昭恩 - Kitchen

- 第5集Andy躺在床上休息 Solbi单独在厨房给他准备晚饭

25. Peppertones - Galaxy Tourist

- 第5集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


26. Humming Urban Stereo - Hawaiian Couple

- 第6集Eric彩铃原曲

27. ?? & TJ 6 - 岛的南端

- 第6集 Alex在准备Picnic时候给申爱唱的“想要BoBo”

28. Hey - 一个人游玩

- 第6集Andy因辣到眼睛在休息 Solbi一个人为他准备晚饭片断

29. Yozoh - Love

- 第6集Andy,Solbi两人温馨对坐吃晚饭喝烧酒说心里话片断

30. 徐英恩 - 独自一个人

- 第6集仁英发现了Crown J藏在碗柜里的给她买的新鞋片断

31. Melody - Remember

- 第6集Alex知道申爱脚受伤之后帮她做足浴和按摩片断

32. Slow6 - 如果现在我们相爱

- 第6集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

33. 土岐麻子 - Takin' it Slow

- 第6集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


34. 玻璃箱子 - Honey Moon

- 第7集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

35. The Name - Love is

- 第7集 亨敦和Saori去郊游片断

36. Jewelry - 全部都嘘!

- 第7集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

37. Libertines- Never Never

- 第7集 郑亨敦 Saori Couple部分背景音乐

38. Sweet sorrow - 漂亮

- 第7集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

39. Ephemera - Gamlissangen

- 第7集 Solbi准备包饭材料片断

我们结婚了第八期 & 第九期:

40. Clazziquai - Romeo N Juliet

- 第8集 Alex在录音室和申爱一起录的歌

41. Alex [Clazzquai] - 花盆(我们结婚了插曲)

- 第8集 Alex和申爱分别前在录音室唱给她听的歌

42. Loveholic - 花盆(我们结婚了插曲)

- 第8集 Alex和申爱分别前在录音室唱给她听的歌

43. 钢琴曲《电影Big OST》 - Heart and Soul

- 第8集 在录音室里Alex和申爱一起弹的曲子

44. K.Will - 独自月落

- 第8集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

45. Noel - 求婚

- 第8集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

46. Sopyumo Acacia Band - So Goodbye

- 第8集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

47. I - 说离别

- 第8集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

48. No Reply - 告白的日子

- 第8集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

49. Steve Wonder - Isn't She Lovely

- 第8集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

50. Crown J - Too Much (Feat.徐仁英)

- 第9集 Crown J 为徐英仁special event所唱的歌曲


51. 张妍珠 - Love1

- 第10集 Andy 为岳父母准备料理片断

52. 张娜拉 - 恋爱的好日子

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

53. V.O.S - 因为你谢谢了

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

54. V.O.S - Beautiful Life

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

55. 韩东俊 - 我爱你

- 第10集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple背景音乐

56. Ephemera - Country Song

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

57. Ran - I Love You(Feat.Cindy)

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

58. Big Mama - 心情开朗的一天

- 第10集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple背景音乐

59. Loveholic - 星期日晴天

- 第10集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple背景音乐

60. Holly Garden - A Lazy Day

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

61. 朴慧京 - Lemon Tree

- 第10集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐

62. Ra-E - 笨拙的告白

- 第10集 两人看Solbi给Andy的妈妈写的卡片片断

63. Schizo - Bill In Da Merica

- 第10集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐


64. Ra-E - Fall in Love

- 第11集 Andy Solbi 两人收到全家福相框片段

65. 任素润 - Lovely S.Y

- 第11集 Andy被抹了香水又被闻了之后傻掉的片段

66. Plies - Hypnotized (Feat. Akon)

- 第11集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐

67. Saori Band - 娇气的人(Feat. ??)

- 第11集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐


68. Loveholic - 像童话一样

- 第12集 Opening Song

69. BlackStreet - In A Rush

- 第12集 SS501唱给黄浦的歌

70. SS501 - In A Rush

- 第12集 080525 Madame B Salon现场Live版本


71. Maximillian Hecker - I’ll Be A Virgin, I’ll Be A Mountain

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

72. Steve Wonder - My Cherie Amour

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

73. Ben Folds - Still

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

74.小野丽莎 - You Are The Sunshinhe Of My Life

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

75.Lucid Fall - 能看到吗?

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

76. Loveholic - 如果当时你在

- 第13集 黄浦作为回礼唱给贤重的歌

77. Minsul - 100% Romantic

- 第13集 我们结婚了 Ending song, Heart and Soul 的韩文曲子哦

78. Nouvelle Vague - Blue Monday

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

79. The Cure - Disintegration

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

80. Lasse Lindh - We

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

81. Kings of Convenience - Misread

- 第13集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

82. Andy - Love Song

- 出现在我们结婚了背景音乐

83. Andy - Propose

- 出现在我们结婚了背景音乐


88. Hey - Coffeetalgia

- 第14集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

89. 朴慧京 - 胸的心跳

- 第14集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

90. DOT - 扑通扑通

- 第14集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

91. Pink Ruu - 因为爱你

- 第14集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐


92. Marie Digby - Stupid For You

- 第15集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple部分背景音乐

93. MIKA - Billy Brown

- 第15集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

94. MIKA - Grace Kelly

- 第15集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

95. 崔正哲 - 结婚 (Feat. Brown-eyed Girls 佳人)

- 第15集 Solbi 流着泪的告白片断

96. 张妍珠 - Happy Then

- 第15集 Crown J 徐仁英+黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐


97. Amy Pearson - Now And For Always

- 第16集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

98. Atomic Kitten - You Are

- 第16集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

99.Be The Voice - Never Gonna Give You Up

- 第16集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

100. Elijah Kelley & Amanda Bynes & Zac Efron - Without Love

- 第16集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐

101. Maximilian Hecker - Flower Four

- 第16集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple背景音乐

102. The Corrs - Would You Be Happier

- 第16集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐

103. 金范秀 - 想你

- 第16集 金贤重弹的钢琴曲


104. Gavy NJ - 没有像爱情一样的吧

- 第17集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple部分背景音乐

105. Lene Marlin - Sitting Down Here

- 第17集 Opening Song

106. Puff Daddy - I’ll Be Missing You

- 第17集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

107. Solbi - Cute love

- 第17集 Andy Solbi Couple背景音乐

108. The Police - Every Breath You Take

- 第17集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐

109. 李基灿 - 我很幸福

- 第17集 李辉才 赵茹珍Couple背景音乐

110. 李适 - 幸运

- 第17集 贤重唱给黄浦的歌

111. Lily Allen - LDN

- 第17集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐

112. Take That - I Found Heaven

- 第17集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple背景音乐


112. 金贤重 - 谢谢你

- 第18集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

114. Timberland - Apologize(Feat.One Republic)

- 第18集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

115. Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

- 第18集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

116. Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind

- 第18集 Andy Solbi Couple背景音乐

117 Alex - 如果是你

- 第18集 Alex 申爱Couple背景音乐


118. Webbie - Independent (feat. Lil' Phat & Lil' Boosie)

- 第19集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple 部分背景音乐

119.申胜勋 - 那以后

- 第19集 Andy Solbi Couple部分背景音乐

120. 达芬奇 - 水瓶

- 第19集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

121. Olivia - Sometimes When We Touch

- 第19集 黄浦 金贤重Couple背景音乐

122. Jason Mraz- I’m Yours

- 第19集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

123. Steve Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You

- 第19集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


124. Usher - Love In This Club(Feat.Young Jeezy)

- 第20集 Crown J 徐仁英/Andy Solbi Couple部分背景音乐

125. Caesars - Jerk It Out

- 第20集 Crown J 徐仁英/Andy Solbi Couple部分背景音乐

126. Silje Nergaard - The Waltz

- 第20集 黄浦 金贤重/Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

127. SS501 - 你是我的天国

- 第20集 黄浦 金贤重/Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

128. Jason Mraz - Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat)

- 第20集 黄浦 金贤重/Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

129. 崔正元 - Sunshine On Summer Time

- 第20集 Crown J 徐仁英/Andy Solbi Couple部分背景音乐

130. 李文世 - 永远和你在一起

- 第20集 黄浦 金贤重/Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


131. T Square - More Than Lemonade

- 第21集 Andy Solbi/Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

132. 黄浦 - 成熟

- 第21集 黄浦 金贤重/Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐


133. 20th Century Boy - 总是两个人

- Andy 送花和戒指给Solbi片段(我忘了是哪回 似乎是11)


134. Jem - Wish I

- 第22集 贤重的最后一段Interview部分背景音乐

135. Anthony Callea - Rain

- 第22集 黄浦 金贤重/Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

136. Freetempo - Kindly

- 第22集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐


137. Nishito Akiko - Hurry On Down

- 第23集 Crown J 徐仁英Couple部分背景音乐

138. The Indigo - L'amour Est Bleu

- 第23集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

139. Hayley Sales - What You Want

- 第23集 Alex 申爱Couple部分背景音乐

140. The Corrs - Summer Sunshine

- 第23集 Alex 申爱部分背景音乐

141. Robbie Williams - Things (Feat. Jane Horrocks)

- 第23集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

142. 朴慧京 - A Lover’ s Concerto

- 第23集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

143. 徐仁英 - Cinderella

- 第23集 蚂蚁夫妇合作的仁英首张Solo初舞台


144. Standfast - Morningcharm

- 第24集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

145. Scouting For Girls - She’s So Lovely

- 第24集 黄浦 金贤重Couple部分背景音乐

146. Little Jimmy Osmond - Long Haired Lover From Liverpool

- 第24集 Alex 申爱Couple 申爱给孩子们拍照部分背景音乐

147. Scorpions - Hurricane 2000(With Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra)

- 第24集 下集预告背景音乐


148. 太真儿 - 伴侣

- 第25集 Opening Song

149. Alex - 雏菊

- 第25集 Couple表演环节Alex弹钢琴唱的歌

150. 黄浦 - 恋爱吧

- 第25集 Couple表演环节生菜夫妇表演的曲目


151. Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova - Falling Slowly

- 第26集 贤重为黄浦准备的生日祝福歌

152. Pussycat Dolls - Beep(Feat.Will.I.Am)

- 第26集 黄浦 金贤重Couple

153. Mocca- The Best Thing

- 第26集 Alex 申爱Couple 申爱在沙发上看拍立得

154. The Indigo - Sweet Radio(Feat.西寺太)

- 第26集 Andy Solbi Couple

我们结婚了第二十五期 (Fany & 花耀飞couple):

155. 花耀飞&Untouchable - It`s OKAY

156. 宋智恩&Untouchable - 都给你

我们结婚了 (离别旅行)最后背景音乐更新:

157. Yung Berg - Get Your Number(Feat.Amerie)

- 离别旅行集: Crown J 徐仁英Couple 车中唱歌片段

158. Solbi - 像星星一样

- 离别旅行集: Andy Solbi Couple 南山挂锁片段

159. V.O.S - 一半

- 离别旅行集: Alex 申爱Couple 申爱为Alex准备生日Event片段

160. Alex - 爱情午后

- 离别旅行集: Alex 申爱Couple 为她一个人的演唱会

161. Hayley Sales - Bubble In Disguise

- 黄浦 金贤重Couple

162. Club 8 - This Is The Morning

- Andy Solbi Couple 回忆片段

163. The Kings Of Convenience - Cayman Islands

164. 姜在伊 - 我爱你,傻瓜吖(feat. 尹道贤)

- 黄浦 金贤重Couple BOBO片段

165. Charlie Wilson - Charlie, Last Name Wilson

- Crown J 徐仁英Couple Event片段

166. Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger

- Alex 申爱Couple 公演片段

167. The Feeling - Love It When You Call

- 黄浦 金贤重Couple

168. Minsul - 回忆,除了回忆

- Alex 申爱Couple 公演片段










