导读 您好,今天怡怡来为大家解答以上的问题。美德virtues相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 美德virtue



1、问题一:美德的英文翻译是什么 1. virtue:n.美德( virtue的名词复数 );德行;优点;长处2.goodness:n.良好;善良;精华;上帝3.excellence:n.优秀,卓越;优点;美德你的采纳,我的动力。


3、问题二:系统启动后要等一分钟才行!计算机高手进来看下啊!急!!!求助 鼎统自动加载运行的程序太多了运行→msconfig→启动,去掉不必要的启动项前面的勾,确定即可我的电脑配置低,需要等待2分钟左右问题三:美德用英语怎么说 美德 [měi dé][释义] virtue; moral excellence; excellence;[例句]Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power.不要出卖美德换取财富,也不要用自由交换权力。

4、Courtesy is the inseparable panion of virtue.礼貌和美德是分不开的伴侣。

5、Diligent, is one which of moral excellence our nationality is always respected.勤奋,是我们民族历来推重的美德之一。

6、Moral excellence and righteousness;goodness.正直,善良道德上的优点和正直;美德Virtue may not always make a face handsome, but vice will certainly make it ugly.美德不一定使人漂亮,但恶行却一定使人丑陋。

7、They instill the minds of young children with morality他们将美德逐渐灌输到小孩子的头脑里去。

8、Truth was the one virtue, which I might have held fast, and did hold fast, through all extremity;诚实是我可以仅守的美德,而且不管有什么艰难险阻,我也确实牢牢守住了这一美德。

9、问题四:我是一个世间所有美德集于一身的人,用英语最好怎么说 I am a man converging with all the virtues.I am a man full of all virtues.问题五:关于美德的英文对话 In recent years,at the background of globalization,Chinese and Western cultural occurred interweaves the collision.As the frequency between the Chinese and Western intercultural activity day by day,cases of the cultural conflict had been happened repeatedly because of differences on concept of value,ethics morality and national customs among various countries.And it often make many jokes,appears circumstances which made people embarrassed.This seriously affected both two sides to associate succeed and the friendship between nations.Therefore,we are necessary to discover its deep-level reason and take some certain measures to develop the intercultural munication ability.Avoids the cultural conflict,let the social munication being more free and relaxed between nation and nation,and then ,being an enjoyment everyone wants instead of frighteen or fear.。
